Source code for explauto.sensorimotor_model.nearest_neighbor

from sklearn.mixture import sample_gaussian
from numpy import inf, ones  # array, vstack
from numpy.linalg import norm

from ..exceptions import ExplautoBootstrapError
from .sensorimotor_model import SensorimotorModel
from .dataset import Dataset

n_neighbors = 1
# algorithm = 'kd_tree'

[docs]class NearestNeighbor(SensorimotorModel): def __init__(self, conf, sigma_ratio): """ This class implements a simple sensorimotor model based on nearest neighbor look-up. Used as a forward model, it simply returns the image in S of nearest neighbor in M. Used as an inverse model, it looks at the nearest neighbor in S, then explore during the n_explore following calls to self.infer around that neighborhood. It is inspired by the experiment in the section 4.4.1 and 4.4.2 of `Baranes and Oudeyer (2013) <>`_. :param conf: a Configuration instance :type conf: :class:`~explauto.utils.config.Configuration` :param int n_explore: the number of exploration trials for each goal :param float sigma_ratio: the standard deviation of the exploration will be (conf.m_maxs - conf.m_mins) * sigma_ratio. Hence, high values of this parameters means larger exploration """ SensorimotorModel.__init__(self, conf) self.dataset = Dataset(conf.m_ndims, conf.s_ndims) self.m_dims = conf.m_dims self.s_dims = conf.s_dims self.t = 0 self.sigma_expl = (conf.m_maxs - conf.m_mins) * float(sigma_ratio) self.n_explore = 1 self.to_explore = 0 self.best_dist_to_goal = float('inf') self.current_goal = inf * ones(conf.s_ndims) self.mode = 'explore'
[docs] def infer(self, in_dims, out_dims, x): if self.t < n_neighbors: raise ExplautoBootstrapError if in_dims == self.m_dims and out_dims == self.s_dims: # forward dists, indexes = self.dataset.nn_x(x, k=1) return self.dataset.get_y(indexes[0]) elif in_dims == self.s_dims and out_dims == self.m_dims: # inverse if self.mode == 'explore': if not self.to_explore: self.current_goal = x dists, indexes = self.dataset.nn_y(x, k=1) self.mean_explore = self.dataset.get_x(indexes[0]) self.to_explore = self.n_explore self.to_explore -= 1 return sample_gaussian(self.mean_explore, self.sigma_expl ** 2) else: # exploit' dists, indexes = self.dataset.nn_y(x, k=1) return self.dataset.get_x(indexes[0]) else: raise NotImplementedError("NearestNeighbor only implements forward" "(M -> S) and inverse (S -> M) model, " "not general prediction")
[docs] def update(self, m, s): if self.t > 0: dist_to_goal = norm(self.current_goal - s) if dist_to_goal < self.best_dist_to_goal: self.mean_explore = m self.best_dist_to_goal = dist_to_goal self.dataset.add_xy(tuple(m), tuple(s)) self.t += 1
configurations = {'default': {'sigma_ratio': 1./6.}, 'exact': {'sigma_ratio': 0.} } sensorimotor_models = {'nearest_neighbor': (NearestNeighbor, configurations)}