Module TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.bodies.climbers.ClimberAbstractBody

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from TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.bodies.walkers.WalkerAbstractBody import WalkerAbstractBody
from TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.bodies.BodyTypesEnum import BodyTypesEnum
import Box2D
from Box2D.b2 import circleShape, fixtureDef

class ClimberAbstractBody(WalkerAbstractBody):
        Base class for climbers.
    def __init__(self, scale, motors_torque, nb_steps_under_water):
            Creates a climber, which cannot survive under water and cannot touch ground.

                scale: Scale value used in the environment (to adapt the embodiment to its environment)
                motors_torque: Maximum torque the embodiment can use on its motors
                nb_steps_under_water: How many consecutive steps the embodiment can survive under water
        super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).__init__(scale, motors_torque, nb_steps_under_water)

        self.body_type = BodyTypesEnum.CLIMBER
        self.sensors = []
        self.SENSOR_FD = fixtureDef(

    # States
    def get_state_size(self):
            Returns the size of the embodiment's state vector (classic state + sensors)
        return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_state_size() + len(self.get_sensors_state())

    def get_sensors_state(self):
            Returns state vector sensors.

            For each sensor returns:
            - if it a collision is detected
            - if it is already grasping (i.e. it is attached to a joint)
        state = []
        for sensor in self.sensors:
            state.extend([1.0 if sensor.userData.has_contact else 0.0,
                          1.0 if sensor.userData.has_joint else 0.0])
        return state

    # Actions
    def get_action_size(self):
            Returns the size of the action space (classic action space + number of sensors).
        return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_action_size() + len(self.sensors)

    # Draw
    def get_elements_to_render(self):
            Returns bodies that must be rendered in the `env.render` function (including sensors).
        return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_elements_to_render() + self.sensors

    # Destroy
    def destroy(self, world):
        super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).destroy(world)  # Destroy the rest of the body as any other agent
        for sensor in self.sensors:
            world.DestroyBody(sensor) # Destroy sensor
        self.sensors = []


class ClimberAbstractBody (scale, motors_torque, nb_steps_under_water)

Base class for climbers.

Creates a climber, which cannot survive under water and cannot touch ground.


Scale value used in the environment (to adapt the embodiment to its environment)
Maximum torque the embodiment can use on its motors
How many consecutive steps the embodiment can survive under water
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class ClimberAbstractBody(WalkerAbstractBody):
        Base class for climbers.
    def __init__(self, scale, motors_torque, nb_steps_under_water):
            Creates a climber, which cannot survive under water and cannot touch ground.

                scale: Scale value used in the environment (to adapt the embodiment to its environment)
                motors_torque: Maximum torque the embodiment can use on its motors
                nb_steps_under_water: How many consecutive steps the embodiment can survive under water
        super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).__init__(scale, motors_torque, nb_steps_under_water)

        self.body_type = BodyTypesEnum.CLIMBER
        self.sensors = []
        self.SENSOR_FD = fixtureDef(

    # States
    def get_state_size(self):
            Returns the size of the embodiment's state vector (classic state + sensors)
        return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_state_size() + len(self.get_sensors_state())

    def get_sensors_state(self):
            Returns state vector sensors.

            For each sensor returns:
            - if it a collision is detected
            - if it is already grasping (i.e. it is attached to a joint)
        state = []
        for sensor in self.sensors:
            state.extend([1.0 if sensor.userData.has_contact else 0.0,
                          1.0 if sensor.userData.has_joint else 0.0])
        return state

    # Actions
    def get_action_size(self):
            Returns the size of the action space (classic action space + number of sensors).
        return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_action_size() + len(self.sensors)

    # Draw
    def get_elements_to_render(self):
            Returns bodies that must be rendered in the `env.render` function (including sensors).
        return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_elements_to_render() + self.sensors

    # Destroy
    def destroy(self, world):
        super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).destroy(world)  # Destroy the rest of the body as any other agent
        for sensor in self.sensors:
            world.DestroyBody(sensor) # Destroy sensor
        self.sensors = []




def destroy(self, world)
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def destroy(self, world):
    super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).destroy(world)  # Destroy the rest of the body as any other agent
    for sensor in self.sensors:
        world.DestroyBody(sensor) # Destroy sensor
    self.sensors = []
def get_action_size(self)

Returns the size of the action space (classic action space + number of sensors).

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def get_action_size(self):
        Returns the size of the action space (classic action space + number of sensors).
    return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_action_size() + len(self.sensors)
def get_elements_to_render(self)

Returns bodies that must be rendered in the env.render function (including sensors).

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def get_elements_to_render(self):
        Returns bodies that must be rendered in the `env.render` function (including sensors).
    return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_elements_to_render() + self.sensors
def get_sensors_state(self)

Returns state vector sensors.

For each sensor returns: - if it a collision is detected - if it is already grasping (i.e. it is attached to a joint)

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def get_sensors_state(self):
        Returns state vector sensors.

        For each sensor returns:
        - if it a collision is detected
        - if it is already grasping (i.e. it is attached to a joint)
    state = []
    for sensor in self.sensors:
        state.extend([1.0 if sensor.userData.has_contact else 0.0,
                      1.0 if sensor.userData.has_joint else 0.0])
    return state
def get_state_size(self)

Returns the size of the embodiment's state vector (classic state + sensors)

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def get_state_size(self):
        Returns the size of the embodiment's state vector (classic state + sensors)
    return super(ClimberAbstractBody, self).get_state_size() + len(self.get_sensors_state())

Inherited members