Package TeachMyAgent

TeachMyAgent is a testbed platform for Automatic Curriculum Learning methods. We leverage Box2D procedurally generated environments to assess the performance of teacher algorithms in continuous task spaces. Our repository provides:

  • Two parametric Box2D environments: Stumps Tracks and Parkour
  • Multiple embodiments with different locomotion skills (e.g. bipedal walker, spider, climbing chimpanzee, fish)
  • Two Deep RL students: SAC and PPO
  • Several ACL algorithms: ADR, ALP-GMM, Covar-GMM, SPDL, GoalGAN, Setter-Solver, RIAC
  • Two benchmark experiments using elements above: Skill-specific comparison and global performance assessment
  • Three notebooks for systematic analysis of results using statistical tests along with visualization tools (plots, videos…) allowing to reproduce our figures

Using this, we performed a benchmark of the previously mentioned ACL methods which can be seen in our paper. We also provide additional visualization on our website.


1- Get the repository

git clone
cd TeachMyAgent/

2- Install it, using Conda for example (use Python >= 3.6)

conda create --name teachMyAgent python=3.6
conda activate teachMyAgent
pip install -e .

Note: For Windows users, add -f to the pip install -e . command.

Launching an experiment

You can launch an experiment using

python --exp_name <name> --env <environment_name> <optional environment parameters> --student <student_name> <optional student parameters> --teacher <teacher_name> <optional teacher parameters>

Here is a non-exhaustive list of the arguments you can use:

  • Environments:
    • parametric-continuous-stump-tracks-v0
    • parametric-continuous-parkour-v0
  • Embodiments:
    • old_classic_bipedal
    • small_bipedal
    • old_big_quadru
    • spider
    • millipede
    • profile_chimpanzee
    • climbing_profile_chimpanzee
    • climbing_chest_profile_chimpanzee
    • fish
    • amphibious_bipedal
  • Deep RL students:
    • sac_v0.1.1
    • ppo
  • Teachers:
    • Random
    • ADR
    • ALP-GMM
    • Covar-GMM
    • RIAC
    • Self-Paced
    • GoalGAN
    • Setter-Solver

Using these, the following example shows a 10 millions steps training of PPO with the fish embodiment in Parkour using GoalGAN as teacher:

python --exp_name TestExperiment --env parametric-continuous-parkour-v0 --embodiment fish --student ppo --nb_env_steps 10 --teacher GoalGAN --use_pretrained_samples

All possible arguments can be found in the TeachMyAgent.run_utils subpackage (as mentioned in Code structure):

Launching a benchmark campaign

Performing a full benchmark campaign on an ACL method (as shown in our paper) can be done through multiple experiments. We provide a way to generate a script containing all the experiments:

python TeachMyAgent/run_utils/ <campaign_name> --*teacher <teacher_name> <optional teacher parameters>

This will generate a script in benchmark_scripts/ containing all the experiments to run. The script can then be used with our (move your script to the root of the folder first):

python <script_name>

Each experiment will be run with multiple seeds using slurm.

Visualizing results

Import baseline results from our paper

In order to benchmark methods against the ones we evaluated in our paper you must download our results:

  1. Go to the notebooks folder
  2. Make the script executable: chmod +x
  3. Download results: ./

    WARNING: This will download a zip weighting approximayely 4.5GB. Then, our script will extract the zip file in TeachMyAgent/data. Once extracted, results will weight approximately 15GB.

Use visualization notebooks

  1. Launch a jupyter server:
cd notebooks;
jupyter notebook
  1. Open our Results_analysis.ipynb notebook for graphs (i.e. figures in our paper)

  2. Open our Book_keeping_analysis.ipynb notebook for test set and curriculum analysis

  3. Open our Policies_visualization.ipynb notebook to visualize policies learned

Code structure

Our code is shared between 4 main folders in the TeachMyAgent package:


All our environments respect the OpenAI Gym's interface. We use the environment's constructor to provide parameters such as embodiment. Our environments must additionally provide a set_environment() method used by teachers to set tasks (warning: this method must be called before the reset() function). Here is an example showing how to use the Parkour environment:

import numpy as np
import time
import gym
import TeachMyAgent.environments

env = gym.make('parametric-continuous-parkour-v0', agent_body_type='fish', movable_creepers=True)
env.set_environment(input_vector=np.zeros(3), water_level = 0.1)

while True:
    _, _, d, _ = env.step(env.action_space.sample())

Hence, one can easily add a new environment in TeachMyAgent.environments.envs as long as it implements the methods presented above. The new environment must then be added to the registration in TeachMyAgent/environments/ Additionally, we introduced new physics (water and climbing) gathered in TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.Box2D_dynamics. which can be reused in your environment. See the __init__() and step() functions of the for an example on how to use them.


We put our embodiments in TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.bodies. We classify them in three main categories (walkers, climbers, swimmers). Each embodiment extends the TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.bodies.AbstractBody class specifying basic methods such as sending actions to motors or creating the observation vector. Additionally, each embodiment extends an abstract class of its type (e.g. walker or swimmer) defining methods related to type-specific behaviour. Finally, TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.bodies.BodiesEnum is used to list all embodiments and provide access to their class using a string name.

One must therefore add its new embodiment in the appropriate folder, extend and implement the methods of its parent abstract class and finally add its new class to the TeachMyAgent.environments.envs.bodies.BodiesEnum. Note that if your embodiment has additional parameters, you should add them to the get_body_wargs method in TeachMyAgent.run_utils.environment_args_handler.


We modified SpinningUp's implementation of SAC and OpenAI Baselines' implementation of PPO in order to make them use a teacher algorithm. For a DeepRL student to be part of TeachMyAgent, it must take a teacher as parameter and call its record_train_step method at each step as well as its record_train_episode and set_env_params methods before every reset of the environment. Additionally, it must also take a test environment and use it to test its policy on it. Here is an example of the way this must be implemented:

# Train policy
o, r, d, ep_ret = env.reset(), 0, False, 0
for t in range(total_steps):
    a = get_action(o)
    o2, r, d, infos = env.step(a)
    ep_ret += r
    Teacher.record_train_step(o, a, r, o2, d)
    o = o2

    if d:
        success = False if 'success' not in infos else infos["success"]
        Teacher.record_train_episode(ep_ret, ep_len, success)
        params = Teacher.set_env_params(env)
        o, r, d, ep_ret = env.reset(), 0, False, 0

# Test policy
for j in range(n):
    o, r, d, ep_ret = test_env.reset(), 0, False, 0
    while not d:
        o, r, d, _ = test_env.step(get_action(o))
        ep_ret += r
    Teacher.record_test_episode(ep_ret, ep_len)

Your student must then be added to the TeachMyAgent.students subpackage as well as in run_utils.student_args_handler. Note that we provide a students.test_policy file which loads a task from a test set, loads a trained policy and use it in the task. This code currently only works for SpinningUp or Baselines models, so you should modify it if your student does not use any of these.


All our teachers extend the same TeachMyAgent.teachers.algos.AbstractTeacher class which defines their required methods:

  • record_initial_state(self, task, state): record initial state of the task.
  • episodic_update(self, task, reward, is_success): get episodic reward and binary success reward.
  • step_update(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done): get step related information.
  • sample_task(self): sample a task.
  • (Optional) non_exploratory_task_sampling(self): sample a task without exploration (used to visualize the curriculum as shown on our website).
  • (Optional) is_non_exploratory_task_sampling_available(self): whether the method above can be called.
  • (Optional) dump(self, dump_dict): save the teacher.

Teachers are then called through the teachers.teacher_controller class, being the one passed to DeepRL students. This class handles the storage of sampled tasks, possible reward interpretation as well as test tasks used when the set_test_env_params method is called. In order to add a new teacher, one must extend the teachers.algos.AbstractTeache class and add its class among the possible ones in the following lines of the teachers.teacher_controller:

# setup tasks generator
if teacher == 'Random':
    self.task_generator = RandomTeacher(mins, maxs, seed=seed, **teacher_params)
elif teacher == 'RIAC':
    self.task_generator = RIAC(mins, maxs, seed=seed, **teacher_params)
elif teacher == 'ALP-GMM':
    self.task_generator = ALPGMM(mins, maxs, seed=seed, **teacher_params)
elif teacher == 'Covar-GMM':
    self.task_generator = CovarGMM(mins, maxs, seed=seed, **teacher_params)
elif teacher == 'ADR':
    self.task_generator = ADR(mins, maxs, seed=seed, scale_reward=scale_reward, **teacher_params)
elif teacher == 'Self-Paced':
    self.task_generator = SelfPacedTeacher(mins, maxs, seed=seed, **teacher_params)
elif teacher == 'GoalGAN':
    self.task_generator = GoalGAN(mins, maxs, seed=seed, **teacher_params)
elif teacher == 'Setter-Solver':
    self.task_generator = SetterSolver(mins, maxs, seed=seed, **teacher_params)
    print('Unknown teacher')
    raise NotImplementedError

Finally, run_utils.teacher_args_handler must be modified to add the teacher as well as its parameters.


If you use TeachMyAgent in your work, please cite the accompanying paper:

  author    = {Cl{\'{e}}ment Romac and
               R{\'{e}}my Portelas and
               Katja Hofmann and
               Pierre{-}Yves Oudeyer},
  title     = {TeachMyAgent: a Benchmark for Automatic Curriculum Learning in Deep
  booktitle = {Proceedings of the 38th International Conference on Machine Learning,
               {ICML} 2021, 18-24 July 2021, Virtual Event},
  series    = {Proceedings of Machine Learning Research},
  volume    = {139},
  pages     = {9052--9063},
  publisher = {{PMLR}},
  year      = {2021}
Expand source code
.. include:: ./doc/

