Module TeachMyAgent.students.openai_baselines.common.mpi_util
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from collections import defaultdict
import os, numpy as np
import platform
import shutil
import subprocess
import warnings
import sys
from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
MPI = None
def sync_from_root(sess, variables, comm=None):
Send the root node's parameters to every worker.
sess: the TensorFlow session.
variables: all parameter variables including optimizer's
if comm is None: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD
import tensorflow as tf
values = comm.bcast([tf.assign(var, val)
for (var, val) in zip(variables, values)])
def gpu_count():
Count the GPUs on this machine.
if shutil.which('nvidia-smi') is None:
return 0
output = subprocess.check_output(['nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=gpu_name', '--format=csv'])
return max(0, len(output.split(b'\n')) - 2)
def setup_mpi_gpus():
Set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to MPI rank if not already set
if 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' not in os.environ:
if sys.platform == 'darwin': # This Assumes if you're on OSX you're just
ids = [] # doing a smoke test and don't want GPUs
lrank, _lsize = get_local_rank_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD)
ids = [lrank]
os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ",".join(map(str, ids))
def get_local_rank_size(comm):
Returns the rank of each process on its machine
The processes on a given machine will be assigned ranks
0, 1, 2, ..., N-1,
where N is the number of processes on this machine.
Useful if you want to assign one gpu per machine
this_node = platform.node()
ranks_nodes = comm.allgather((comm.Get_rank(), this_node))
node2rankssofar = defaultdict(int)
local_rank = None
for (rank, node) in ranks_nodes:
if rank == comm.Get_rank():
local_rank = node2rankssofar[node]
node2rankssofar[node] += 1
assert local_rank is not None
return local_rank, node2rankssofar[this_node]
def share_file(comm, path):
Copies the file from rank 0 to all other ranks
Puts it in the same place on all machines
localrank, _ = get_local_rank_size(comm)
if comm.Get_rank() == 0:
with open(path, 'rb') as fh:
data =
data = comm.bcast(None)
if localrank == 0:
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'wb') as fh:
def dict_gather(comm, d, op='mean', assert_all_have_data=True):
Perform a reduction operation over dicts
if comm is None: return d
alldicts = comm.allgather(d)
size = comm.size
k2li = defaultdict(list)
for d in alldicts:
for (k,v) in d.items():
result = {}
for (k,li) in k2li.items():
if assert_all_have_data:
assert len(li)==size, "only %i out of %i MPI workers have sent '%s'" % (len(li), size, k)
if op=='mean':
result[k] = np.mean(li, axis=0)
elif op=='sum':
result[k] = np.sum(li, axis=0)
assert 0, op
return result
def mpi_weighted_mean(comm, local_name2valcount):
Perform a weighted average over dicts that are each on a different node
Input: local_name2valcount: dict mapping key -> (value, count)
Returns: key -> mean
all_name2valcount = comm.gather(local_name2valcount)
if comm.rank == 0:
name2sum = defaultdict(float)
name2count = defaultdict(float)
for n2vc in all_name2valcount:
for (name, (val, count)) in n2vc.items():
val = float(val)
except ValueError:
if comm.rank == 0:
warnings.warn('WARNING: tried to compute mean on non-float {}={}'.format(name, val))
name2sum[name] += val * count
name2count[name] += count
return {name : name2sum[name] / name2count[name] for name in name2sum}
return {}
def dict_gather(comm, d, op='mean', assert_all_have_data=True)
Perform a reduction operation over dicts
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def dict_gather(comm, d, op='mean', assert_all_have_data=True): """ Perform a reduction operation over dicts """ if comm is None: return d alldicts = comm.allgather(d) size = comm.size k2li = defaultdict(list) for d in alldicts: for (k,v) in d.items(): k2li[k].append(v) result = {} for (k,li) in k2li.items(): if assert_all_have_data: assert len(li)==size, "only %i out of %i MPI workers have sent '%s'" % (len(li), size, k) if op=='mean': result[k] = np.mean(li, axis=0) elif op=='sum': result[k] = np.sum(li, axis=0) else: assert 0, op return result
def get_local_rank_size(comm)
Returns the rank of each process on its machine The processes on a given machine will be assigned ranks 0, 1, 2, …, N-1, where N is the number of processes on this machine.
Useful if you want to assign one gpu per machine
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def get_local_rank_size(comm): """ Returns the rank of each process on its machine The processes on a given machine will be assigned ranks 0, 1, 2, ..., N-1, where N is the number of processes on this machine. Useful if you want to assign one gpu per machine """ this_node = platform.node() ranks_nodes = comm.allgather((comm.Get_rank(), this_node)) node2rankssofar = defaultdict(int) local_rank = None for (rank, node) in ranks_nodes: if rank == comm.Get_rank(): local_rank = node2rankssofar[node] node2rankssofar[node] += 1 assert local_rank is not None return local_rank, node2rankssofar[this_node]
def gpu_count()
Count the GPUs on this machine.
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def gpu_count(): """ Count the GPUs on this machine. """ if shutil.which('nvidia-smi') is None: return 0 output = subprocess.check_output(['nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=gpu_name', '--format=csv']) return max(0, len(output.split(b'\n')) - 2)
def mpi_weighted_mean(comm, local_name2valcount)
Perform a weighted average over dicts that are each on a different node Input: local_name2valcount: dict mapping key -> (value, count) Returns: key -> mean
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def mpi_weighted_mean(comm, local_name2valcount): """ Perform a weighted average over dicts that are each on a different node Input: local_name2valcount: dict mapping key -> (value, count) Returns: key -> mean """ all_name2valcount = comm.gather(local_name2valcount) if comm.rank == 0: name2sum = defaultdict(float) name2count = defaultdict(float) for n2vc in all_name2valcount: for (name, (val, count)) in n2vc.items(): try: val = float(val) except ValueError: if comm.rank == 0: warnings.warn('WARNING: tried to compute mean on non-float {}={}'.format(name, val)) else: name2sum[name] += val * count name2count[name] += count return {name : name2sum[name] / name2count[name] for name in name2sum} else: return {}
def setup_mpi_gpus()
Set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to MPI rank if not already set
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def setup_mpi_gpus(): """ Set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES to MPI rank if not already set """ if 'CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' not in os.environ: if sys.platform == 'darwin': # This Assumes if you're on OSX you're just ids = [] # doing a smoke test and don't want GPUs else: lrank, _lsize = get_local_rank_size(MPI.COMM_WORLD) ids = [lrank] os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = ",".join(map(str, ids))
Copies the file from rank 0 to all other ranks Puts it in the same place on all machines
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def share_file(comm, path): """ Copies the file from rank 0 to all other ranks Puts it in the same place on all machines """ localrank, _ = get_local_rank_size(comm) if comm.Get_rank() == 0: with open(path, 'rb') as fh: data = comm.bcast(data) else: data = comm.bcast(None) if localrank == 0: os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path), exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'wb') as fh: fh.write(data) comm.Barrier()
def sync_from_root(sess, variables, comm=None)
Send the root node's parameters to every worker.
sess: the TensorFlow session. variables: all parameter variables including optimizer's
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def sync_from_root(sess, variables, comm=None): """ Send the root node's parameters to every worker. Arguments: sess: the TensorFlow session. variables: all parameter variables including optimizer's """ if comm is None: comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD import tensorflow as tf values = comm.bcast([tf.assign(var, val) for (var, val) in zip(variables, values)])