Module TeachMyAgent.teachers.algos.adr

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# Automatic Domain Randomization, see for details
# Implemented by Rémy Portelas and Clément Romac

import numpy as np
from gym.spaces import Box
from collections import deque
from TeachMyAgent.teachers.algos.AbstractTeacher import AbstractTeacher

class ADR(AbstractTeacher):
    def __init__(self, mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, step_size, max_reward_thr, min_reward_thr,
                 initial_dist=None, boundary_sampling_p=0.5, queue_len=10, scale_reward=False):
            Automatic Domain Randomization (

                step_size: Size of the growth (or decrease) of a bound at update
                max_reward_thr: Upper reward threshold used to inflate distribution
                min_reward_thr: Lowers reward threshold used to deflate distribution
                initial_dist: The mean of this initial distribution is used as the initial task used by ADR
                boundary_sampling_p: Probability to sample a dimension at a bound
                queue_len: Size of the queue associated to each bound. Once reached, ADR increases or decreases the bound.
        AbstractTeacher.__init__(self, mins, maxs, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, seed)
        self.nb_dims = len(self.mins)

        # Boundary sampling probability p_r
        self.bound_sampling_p = boundary_sampling_p

        # ADR step size
        self.step_size = step_size

        # Max reward threshold, sampling distribution inflates if mean reward above this
        self.max_reward_threshold = max_reward_thr
        if scale_reward:
            self.max_reward_threshold = np.interp(self.max_reward_threshold,
                                                  (self.env_reward_lb, self.env_reward_ub),
                                                  (0, 1))

        # Min reward threshold, sampling distribution deflates if mean reward below this
        self.min_reward_threshold = min_reward_thr
        if scale_reward:
            self.min_reward_threshold = np.interp(self.min_reward_threshold,
                                                  (self.env_reward_lb, self.env_reward_ub),
                                                  (0, 1))

        # max queue length
        self.window_len = queue_len

        # Set initial task space to predefined calibrated task
        initial_mean, initial_variance = self.get_or_create_dist(initial_dist, mins, maxs, subspace=True)

        # Single task version (as the original paper)
        self.cur_mins = initial_mean
        self.cur_maxs = initial_mean

        self.cur_mins = np.array(self.cur_mins, dtype=np.float32)  # current min bounds
        self.cur_maxs = np.array(self.cur_maxs, dtype=np.float32)  # current max bounds
        self.task_space = Box(self.cur_mins, self.cur_maxs, dtype=np.float32)

        # Init queues, one per task space dimension
        self.min_queues = [deque(maxlen=self.window_len) for _ in range(self.nb_dims)]
        self.max_queues = [deque(maxlen=self.window_len) for _ in range(self.nb_dims)]

        # Boring book-keeping
        self.episode_nb = 0
        self.bk = {'task_space': [(self.cur_mins.copy(),self.cur_maxs.copy())],
                   'episodes': []}

    def episodic_update(self, task, reward, is_success):
        self.episode_nb += 1

        # check for updates
        for i, (min_q, max_q, cur_min, cur_max) in enumerate(zip(self.min_queues, self.max_queues, self.cur_mins, self.cur_maxs)):
            if task[i] == cur_min:  # if the proposed task has the i^th dimension set to min boundary
                if len(min_q) == self.window_len:
                    if np.mean(min_q) >= self.max_reward_threshold:  # decrease min boundary (inflate sampling space)
                        self.cur_mins[i] = max(self.cur_mins[i] - self.step_size, self.mins[i])
                    elif np.mean(min_q) <= self.min_reward_threshold:  # increase min boundary (deflate sampling space)
                        self.cur_mins[i] = min(self.cur_mins[i] + self.step_size, self.cur_maxs[i])
                    self.min_queues[i] = deque(maxlen=self.window_len)  # reset queue
            if task[i] == cur_max:  # if the proposed task has the i^th dimension set to max boundary
                if len(max_q) == self.window_len:  # queue is full, time to update
                    if np.mean(max_q) >= self.max_reward_threshold:  # increase max boundary
                        self.cur_maxs[i] = min(self.cur_maxs[i] + self.step_size, self.maxs[i])
                    elif np.mean(max_q) <= self.min_reward_threshold:  # decrease max boundary
                        self.cur_maxs[i] = max(self.cur_maxs[i] - self.step_size, self.cur_mins[i])
                    self.max_queues[i] = deque(maxlen=self.window_len)  # reset queue

        prev_cur_mins, prev_cur_maxs = self.bk['task_space'][-1]
        if (prev_cur_mins != self.cur_mins).any() or (prev_cur_maxs != self.cur_maxs).any():  # were boundaries changed ?
            self.task_space = Box(self.cur_mins, self.cur_maxs, dtype=np.float32)
            # book-keeping only if boundaries were updates
            self.bk['task_space'].append((self.cur_mins.copy(), self.cur_maxs.copy()))

    def sample_task(self):
        new_task = self.non_exploratory_task_sampling()["task"]
        if self.random_state.random() < self.bound_sampling_p:  # set random dimension to min or max bound
            idx = self.random_state.randint(0, self.nb_dims)
            is_min_max_capped = np.array([self.cur_mins[idx] == self.mins[idx], self.cur_maxs[idx] == self.maxs[idx]])
            if not is_min_max_capped.all():  # both min and max bounds can increase, choose extremum randomly
                if self.random_state.random() < 0.5:  # skip min bound if already
                    new_task[idx] = self.cur_mins[idx]
                    new_task[idx] = self.cur_maxs[idx]
            elif not is_min_max_capped[0]:
                new_task[idx] = self.cur_mins[idx]
            elif not is_min_max_capped[1]:
                new_task[idx] = self.cur_maxs[idx]
        return new_task

    def non_exploratory_task_sampling(self):
        return {"task": self.task_space.sample(),
                "infos": {
                    "bk_index": len(self.bk[list(self.bk.keys())[0]]) - 1,
                    "task_infos": None}


class ADR (mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, step_size, max_reward_thr, min_reward_thr, initial_dist=None, boundary_sampling_p=0.5, queue_len=10, scale_reward=False)

Base class for ACL methods.

This will be used to sample tasks for the DeepRL student given a task space provided at the beginning of training.

Automatic Domain Randomization (


Size of the growth (or decrease) of a bound at update
Upper reward threshold used to inflate distribution
Lowers reward threshold used to deflate distribution
The mean of this initial distribution is used as the initial task used by ADR
Probability to sample a dimension at a bound
Size of the queue associated to each bound. Once reached, ADR increases or decreases the bound.
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class ADR(AbstractTeacher):
    def __init__(self, mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, step_size, max_reward_thr, min_reward_thr,
                 initial_dist=None, boundary_sampling_p=0.5, queue_len=10, scale_reward=False):
            Automatic Domain Randomization (

                step_size: Size of the growth (or decrease) of a bound at update
                max_reward_thr: Upper reward threshold used to inflate distribution
                min_reward_thr: Lowers reward threshold used to deflate distribution
                initial_dist: The mean of this initial distribution is used as the initial task used by ADR
                boundary_sampling_p: Probability to sample a dimension at a bound
                queue_len: Size of the queue associated to each bound. Once reached, ADR increases or decreases the bound.
        AbstractTeacher.__init__(self, mins, maxs, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, seed)
        self.nb_dims = len(self.mins)

        # Boundary sampling probability p_r
        self.bound_sampling_p = boundary_sampling_p

        # ADR step size
        self.step_size = step_size

        # Max reward threshold, sampling distribution inflates if mean reward above this
        self.max_reward_threshold = max_reward_thr
        if scale_reward:
            self.max_reward_threshold = np.interp(self.max_reward_threshold,
                                                  (self.env_reward_lb, self.env_reward_ub),
                                                  (0, 1))

        # Min reward threshold, sampling distribution deflates if mean reward below this
        self.min_reward_threshold = min_reward_thr
        if scale_reward:
            self.min_reward_threshold = np.interp(self.min_reward_threshold,
                                                  (self.env_reward_lb, self.env_reward_ub),
                                                  (0, 1))

        # max queue length
        self.window_len = queue_len

        # Set initial task space to predefined calibrated task
        initial_mean, initial_variance = self.get_or_create_dist(initial_dist, mins, maxs, subspace=True)

        # Single task version (as the original paper)
        self.cur_mins = initial_mean
        self.cur_maxs = initial_mean

        self.cur_mins = np.array(self.cur_mins, dtype=np.float32)  # current min bounds
        self.cur_maxs = np.array(self.cur_maxs, dtype=np.float32)  # current max bounds
        self.task_space = Box(self.cur_mins, self.cur_maxs, dtype=np.float32)

        # Init queues, one per task space dimension
        self.min_queues = [deque(maxlen=self.window_len) for _ in range(self.nb_dims)]
        self.max_queues = [deque(maxlen=self.window_len) for _ in range(self.nb_dims)]

        # Boring book-keeping
        self.episode_nb = 0
        self.bk = {'task_space': [(self.cur_mins.copy(),self.cur_maxs.copy())],
                   'episodes': []}

    def episodic_update(self, task, reward, is_success):
        self.episode_nb += 1

        # check for updates
        for i, (min_q, max_q, cur_min, cur_max) in enumerate(zip(self.min_queues, self.max_queues, self.cur_mins, self.cur_maxs)):
            if task[i] == cur_min:  # if the proposed task has the i^th dimension set to min boundary
                if len(min_q) == self.window_len:
                    if np.mean(min_q) >= self.max_reward_threshold:  # decrease min boundary (inflate sampling space)
                        self.cur_mins[i] = max(self.cur_mins[i] - self.step_size, self.mins[i])
                    elif np.mean(min_q) <= self.min_reward_threshold:  # increase min boundary (deflate sampling space)
                        self.cur_mins[i] = min(self.cur_mins[i] + self.step_size, self.cur_maxs[i])
                    self.min_queues[i] = deque(maxlen=self.window_len)  # reset queue
            if task[i] == cur_max:  # if the proposed task has the i^th dimension set to max boundary
                if len(max_q) == self.window_len:  # queue is full, time to update
                    if np.mean(max_q) >= self.max_reward_threshold:  # increase max boundary
                        self.cur_maxs[i] = min(self.cur_maxs[i] + self.step_size, self.maxs[i])
                    elif np.mean(max_q) <= self.min_reward_threshold:  # decrease max boundary
                        self.cur_maxs[i] = max(self.cur_maxs[i] - self.step_size, self.cur_mins[i])
                    self.max_queues[i] = deque(maxlen=self.window_len)  # reset queue

        prev_cur_mins, prev_cur_maxs = self.bk['task_space'][-1]
        if (prev_cur_mins != self.cur_mins).any() or (prev_cur_maxs != self.cur_maxs).any():  # were boundaries changed ?
            self.task_space = Box(self.cur_mins, self.cur_maxs, dtype=np.float32)
            # book-keeping only if boundaries were updates
            self.bk['task_space'].append((self.cur_mins.copy(), self.cur_maxs.copy()))

    def sample_task(self):
        new_task = self.non_exploratory_task_sampling()["task"]
        if self.random_state.random() < self.bound_sampling_p:  # set random dimension to min or max bound
            idx = self.random_state.randint(0, self.nb_dims)
            is_min_max_capped = np.array([self.cur_mins[idx] == self.mins[idx], self.cur_maxs[idx] == self.maxs[idx]])
            if not is_min_max_capped.all():  # both min and max bounds can increase, choose extremum randomly
                if self.random_state.random() < 0.5:  # skip min bound if already
                    new_task[idx] = self.cur_mins[idx]
                    new_task[idx] = self.cur_maxs[idx]
            elif not is_min_max_capped[0]:
                new_task[idx] = self.cur_mins[idx]
            elif not is_min_max_capped[1]:
                new_task[idx] = self.cur_maxs[idx]
        return new_task

    def non_exploratory_task_sampling(self):
        return {"task": self.task_space.sample(),
                "infos": {
                    "bk_index": len(self.bk[list(self.bk.keys())[0]]) - 1,
                    "task_infos": None}


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