Module TeachMyAgent.teachers.algos.covar_gmm

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# Taken from
# Modified by Clément Romac, copy of the license at TeachMyAgent/teachers/LICENSES/ALP-GMM

from sklearn.mixture import GaussianMixture as GMM
import numpy as np
from gym.spaces import Box
from TeachMyAgent.teachers.algos.AbstractTeacher import AbstractTeacher

def proportional_choice(v, random_state, eps=0.):
        Return an index of `v` chosen proportionally to values contained in `v`.

            v: List of values
            random_state: Random generator
            eps: Epsilon used for an Epsilon-greedy strategy
    if np.sum(v) == 0 or random_state.rand() < eps:
        return random_state.randint(np.size(v))
        probas = np.array(v) / np.sum(v)
        return np.where(random_state.multinomial(1, probas) == 1)[0][0]

# Implementation of IGMM ( + minor improvements
class CovarGMM(AbstractTeacher):
    def __init__(self, mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, absolute_lp=False, fit_rate=250,
                 potential_ks=np.arange(2, 11, 1), random_task_ratio=0.2, nb_bootstrap=None, initial_dist=None):
            Covar - Gaussian Mixture Model.
            Implementation of IGMM ( + minor improvements.

                absolute_lp: Original version does not use Absolute LP, only LP.
                fit_rate: Number of episodes between two fit of the GMM
                potential_ks: Range of number of Gaussians to try when fitting the GMM
                random_task_ratio: Ratio of randomly sampled tasks VS tasks sampling using GMM
                nb_bootstrap: Number of bootstrapping episodes, must be >= to fit_rate
                initial_dist: Initial Gaussian distribution. If None, bootstrap with random tasks
        AbstractTeacher.__init__(self, mins, maxs, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, seed)

        # Range of number of Gaussians to try when fitting the GMM
        self.potential_ks = potential_ks
        # Ratio of randomly sampled tasks VS tasks sampling using GMM
        self.random_task_ratio = random_task_ratio
        self.random_task_generator = Box(self.mins, self.maxs, dtype=np.float32)

        # Number of episodes between two fit of the GMM
        self.fit_rate = fit_rate
        self.nb_bootstrap = nb_bootstrap if nb_bootstrap is not None else fit_rate  # Number of bootstrapping episodes, must be >= to fit_rate
        self.initial_dist = initial_dist  # Initial Gaussian distribution. If None, bootstrap with random tasks

        # Original version does not use Absolute LP, only LP.
        self.absolute_lp = absolute_lp

        self.tasks = []
        self.tasks_times_rewards = []
        self.all_times = np.arange(0, 1, 1/self.fit_rate)
        self.gmm = None

        # boring book-keeping
        self.bk = {'weights': [], 'covariances': [], 'means': [], 'tasks_lps': [], 'episodes': [], 'tasks_origin': []}

    def episodic_update(self, task, reward, is_success):
        # Compute time of task, relative to position in current batch of tasks
        current_time = self.all_times[len(self.tasks) % self.fit_rate]


        # Concatenate task with its corresponding time and reward
        self.tasks_times_rewards.append(np.array(task.tolist() + [current_time] + [reward]))

        if len(self.tasks) >= self.nb_bootstrap:  # If initial bootstrapping is done
            if (len(self.tasks) % self.fit_rate) == 0:  # Time to fit
                # 1 - Retrieve last <fit_rate> (task, time, reward) triplets
                cur_tasks_times_rewards = np.array(self.tasks_times_rewards[-self.fit_rate:])

                # 2 - Fit batch of GMMs with varying number of Gaussians
                potential_gmms = [GMM(n_components=k, covariance_type='full', random_state=self.seed) for k in self.potential_ks]
                potential_gmms = [ for g in potential_gmms]

                # 3 - Compute fitness and keep best GMM
                aics = [m.aic(cur_tasks_times_rewards) for m in potential_gmms]
                self.gmm = potential_gmms[np.argmin(aics)]

                # book-keeping
                self.bk['tasks_lps'] = self.tasks_times_rewards

    def sample_task(self):
        task_origin = None
        if len(self.tasks) < self.nb_bootstrap or self.random_state.random() < self.random_task_ratio or self.gmm is None:
            if self.initial_dist and len(self.tasks) < self.nb_bootstrap:  # bootstrap in initial dist
                # Expert bootstrap Gaussian task sampling
                new_task = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.initial_dist['mean'],
                new_task = np.clip(new_task, self.mins, self.maxs).astype(np.float32)
                task_origin = -2  # -2 = task originates from initial bootstrap gaussian sampling
                # Random task sampling
                new_task = self.random_task_generator.sample()
                task_origin = -1  # -1 = task originates from random sampling
            # Task sampling based on positive time-reward covariance
            # 1 - Retrieve positive time-reward covariance for each Gaussian
            self.times_rewards_covars = []
            for pos, covar, w in zip(self.gmm.means_, self.gmm.covariances_, self.gmm.weights_):
                if self.absolute_lp:
                    self.times_rewards_covars.append(np.abs(covar[-2, -1]))
                    self.times_rewards_covars.append(max(0, covar[-2, -1]))

            # 2 - Sample Gaussian according to its Learning Progress, defined as positive time-reward covariance
            idx = proportional_choice(self.times_rewards_covars, self.random_state, eps=0.0)
            task_origin = idx

            # 3 - Sample task in Gaussian, without forgetting to remove time and reward dimension
            new_task = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.gmm.means_[idx], self.gmm.covariances_[idx])[:-2]
            new_task = np.clip(new_task, self.mins, self.maxs).astype(np.float32)

        # boring book-keeping
        return new_task

    def is_non_exploratory_task_sampling_available(self):
        return self.gmm is not None

    def non_exploratory_task_sampling(self):
        # 1 - Retrieve positive time-reward covariance for each Gaussian
        self.times_rewards_covars = []
        for pos, covar, w in zip(self.gmm.means_, self.gmm.covariances_, self.gmm.weights_):
            if self.absolute_lp:
                self.times_rewards_covars.append(np.abs(covar[-2, -1]))
                self.times_rewards_covars.append(max(0, covar[-2, -1]))

        # 2 - Sample Gaussian according to its Learning Progress, defined as positive time-reward covariance
        idx = proportional_choice(self.times_rewards_covars, self.random_state, eps=0.0)

        # 3 - Sample task in Gaussian, without forgetting to remove time and reward dimension
        new_task = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.gmm.means_[idx], self.gmm.covariances_[idx])[:-2]
        new_task = np.clip(new_task, self.mins, self.maxs).astype(np.float32)
        return {"task": new_task,
                "infos": {
                    "bk_index": len(self.bk[list(self.bk.keys())[0]]) - 1,
                    "task_infos": idx}


def proportional_choice(v, random_state, eps=0.0)

Return an index of v chosen proportionally to values contained in v.


List of values
Random generator
Epsilon used for an Epsilon-greedy strategy
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def proportional_choice(v, random_state, eps=0.):
        Return an index of `v` chosen proportionally to values contained in `v`.

            v: List of values
            random_state: Random generator
            eps: Epsilon used for an Epsilon-greedy strategy
    if np.sum(v) == 0 or random_state.rand() < eps:
        return random_state.randint(np.size(v))
        probas = np.array(v) / np.sum(v)
        return np.where(random_state.multinomial(1, probas) == 1)[0][0]


class CovarGMM (mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, absolute_lp=False, fit_rate=250, potential_ks=array([ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]), random_task_ratio=0.2, nb_bootstrap=None, initial_dist=None)

Base class for ACL methods.

This will be used to sample tasks for the DeepRL student given a task space provided at the beginning of training.

Covar - Gaussian Mixture Model. Implementation of IGMM ( + minor improvements.


Original version does not use Absolute LP, only LP.
Number of episodes between two fit of the GMM
Range of number of Gaussians to try when fitting the GMM
Ratio of randomly sampled tasks VS tasks sampling using GMM
Number of bootstrapping episodes, must be >= to fit_rate
Initial Gaussian distribution. If None, bootstrap with random tasks
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class CovarGMM(AbstractTeacher):
    def __init__(self, mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, absolute_lp=False, fit_rate=250,
                 potential_ks=np.arange(2, 11, 1), random_task_ratio=0.2, nb_bootstrap=None, initial_dist=None):
            Covar - Gaussian Mixture Model.
            Implementation of IGMM ( + minor improvements.

                absolute_lp: Original version does not use Absolute LP, only LP.
                fit_rate: Number of episodes between two fit of the GMM
                potential_ks: Range of number of Gaussians to try when fitting the GMM
                random_task_ratio: Ratio of randomly sampled tasks VS tasks sampling using GMM
                nb_bootstrap: Number of bootstrapping episodes, must be >= to fit_rate
                initial_dist: Initial Gaussian distribution. If None, bootstrap with random tasks
        AbstractTeacher.__init__(self, mins, maxs, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, seed)

        # Range of number of Gaussians to try when fitting the GMM
        self.potential_ks = potential_ks
        # Ratio of randomly sampled tasks VS tasks sampling using GMM
        self.random_task_ratio = random_task_ratio
        self.random_task_generator = Box(self.mins, self.maxs, dtype=np.float32)

        # Number of episodes between two fit of the GMM
        self.fit_rate = fit_rate
        self.nb_bootstrap = nb_bootstrap if nb_bootstrap is not None else fit_rate  # Number of bootstrapping episodes, must be >= to fit_rate
        self.initial_dist = initial_dist  # Initial Gaussian distribution. If None, bootstrap with random tasks

        # Original version does not use Absolute LP, only LP.
        self.absolute_lp = absolute_lp

        self.tasks = []
        self.tasks_times_rewards = []
        self.all_times = np.arange(0, 1, 1/self.fit_rate)
        self.gmm = None

        # boring book-keeping
        self.bk = {'weights': [], 'covariances': [], 'means': [], 'tasks_lps': [], 'episodes': [], 'tasks_origin': []}

    def episodic_update(self, task, reward, is_success):
        # Compute time of task, relative to position in current batch of tasks
        current_time = self.all_times[len(self.tasks) % self.fit_rate]


        # Concatenate task with its corresponding time and reward
        self.tasks_times_rewards.append(np.array(task.tolist() + [current_time] + [reward]))

        if len(self.tasks) >= self.nb_bootstrap:  # If initial bootstrapping is done
            if (len(self.tasks) % self.fit_rate) == 0:  # Time to fit
                # 1 - Retrieve last <fit_rate> (task, time, reward) triplets
                cur_tasks_times_rewards = np.array(self.tasks_times_rewards[-self.fit_rate:])

                # 2 - Fit batch of GMMs with varying number of Gaussians
                potential_gmms = [GMM(n_components=k, covariance_type='full', random_state=self.seed) for k in self.potential_ks]
                potential_gmms = [ for g in potential_gmms]

                # 3 - Compute fitness and keep best GMM
                aics = [m.aic(cur_tasks_times_rewards) for m in potential_gmms]
                self.gmm = potential_gmms[np.argmin(aics)]

                # book-keeping
                self.bk['tasks_lps'] = self.tasks_times_rewards

    def sample_task(self):
        task_origin = None
        if len(self.tasks) < self.nb_bootstrap or self.random_state.random() < self.random_task_ratio or self.gmm is None:
            if self.initial_dist and len(self.tasks) < self.nb_bootstrap:  # bootstrap in initial dist
                # Expert bootstrap Gaussian task sampling
                new_task = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.initial_dist['mean'],
                new_task = np.clip(new_task, self.mins, self.maxs).astype(np.float32)
                task_origin = -2  # -2 = task originates from initial bootstrap gaussian sampling
                # Random task sampling
                new_task = self.random_task_generator.sample()
                task_origin = -1  # -1 = task originates from random sampling
            # Task sampling based on positive time-reward covariance
            # 1 - Retrieve positive time-reward covariance for each Gaussian
            self.times_rewards_covars = []
            for pos, covar, w in zip(self.gmm.means_, self.gmm.covariances_, self.gmm.weights_):
                if self.absolute_lp:
                    self.times_rewards_covars.append(np.abs(covar[-2, -1]))
                    self.times_rewards_covars.append(max(0, covar[-2, -1]))

            # 2 - Sample Gaussian according to its Learning Progress, defined as positive time-reward covariance
            idx = proportional_choice(self.times_rewards_covars, self.random_state, eps=0.0)
            task_origin = idx

            # 3 - Sample task in Gaussian, without forgetting to remove time and reward dimension
            new_task = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.gmm.means_[idx], self.gmm.covariances_[idx])[:-2]
            new_task = np.clip(new_task, self.mins, self.maxs).astype(np.float32)

        # boring book-keeping
        return new_task

    def is_non_exploratory_task_sampling_available(self):
        return self.gmm is not None

    def non_exploratory_task_sampling(self):
        # 1 - Retrieve positive time-reward covariance for each Gaussian
        self.times_rewards_covars = []
        for pos, covar, w in zip(self.gmm.means_, self.gmm.covariances_, self.gmm.weights_):
            if self.absolute_lp:
                self.times_rewards_covars.append(np.abs(covar[-2, -1]))
                self.times_rewards_covars.append(max(0, covar[-2, -1]))

        # 2 - Sample Gaussian according to its Learning Progress, defined as positive time-reward covariance
        idx = proportional_choice(self.times_rewards_covars, self.random_state, eps=0.0)

        # 3 - Sample task in Gaussian, without forgetting to remove time and reward dimension
        new_task = self.random_state.multivariate_normal(self.gmm.means_[idx], self.gmm.covariances_[idx])[:-2]
        new_task = np.clip(new_task, self.mins, self.maxs).astype(np.float32)
        return {"task": new_task,
                "infos": {
                    "bk_index": len(self.bk[list(self.bk.keys())[0]]) - 1,
                    "task_infos": idx}


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