Module TeachMyAgent.teachers.algos.self_paced_teacher

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# Taken from and wrapped to our architecture
# Modified by Clément Romac, copy of the license at TeachMyAgent/teachers/LICENSES/SPDL

import torch
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from functools import partial
from TeachMyAgent.teachers.algos.AbstractTeacher import AbstractTeacher
from TeachMyAgent.teachers.utils.conjugate_gradient import cg_step
from TeachMyAgent.teachers.utils.torch import to_float_tensor
from TeachMyAgent.teachers.utils.gaussian_torch_distribution import GaussianTorchDistribution

class Buffer:
    def __init__(self, n_elements, max_buffer_size, reset_on_query):
        self.reset_on_query = reset_on_query
        self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size
        self.buffers = [list() for i in range(0, n_elements)]

    def update_buffer(self, datas):
        if isinstance(datas[0], list):
            for buffer, data in zip(self.buffers, datas):
            for buffer, data in zip(self.buffers, datas):

        while len(self.buffers[0]) > self.max_buffer_size:
            for buffer in self.buffers:
                del buffer[0]

    def read_buffer(self, reset=None):
        if reset is None:
            reset = self.reset_on_query

        res = tuple([buffer for buffer in self.buffers])

        if reset:
            for i in range(0, len(self.buffers)):
                self.buffers[i] = []

        return res

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.buffers[0])

class AbstractSelfPacedTeacher():
        Base SPDL Teacher
    def __init__(self, init_mean, flat_init_chol, target_mean, flat_target_chol, alpha_function, max_kl, cg_parameters):
        self.context_dist = GaussianTorchDistribution(init_mean, flat_init_chol, use_cuda=False)
        self.target_dist = GaussianTorchDistribution(target_mean, flat_target_chol, use_cuda=False)

        self.alpha_function = alpha_function
        self.max_kl = max_kl
        self.cg_parameters = {"n_epochs_line_search": 10, "n_epochs_cg": 10, "cg_damping": 1e-2,
                              "cg_residual_tol": 1e-10}
        if cg_parameters is not None:

        self.task = None
        self.iteration = 0

    def target_context_kl(self, numpy=True):
        kl_div = torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(self.context_dist.distribution_t,
        if numpy:
            kl_div = kl_div.numpy()

        return kl_div

    def save(self, path):
        weights = self.context_dist.get_weights(), weights)

    def load(self, path):

    def _compute_context_kl(self, old_context_dist):
        return torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(old_context_dist.distribution_t, self.context_dist.distribution_t)

    def _compute_context_loss(self, cons_t, old_c_log_prob_t, c_val_t, alpha_cur_t):
        con_ratio_t = torch.exp(self.context_dist.log_pdf_t(cons_t) - old_c_log_prob_t)
        kl_div = torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(self.context_dist.distribution_t, self.target_dist.distribution_t)
        return torch.mean(con_ratio_t * c_val_t) - alpha_cur_t * kl_div

class SelfPacedTeacher(AbstractTeacher, AbstractSelfPacedTeacher):
    def __init__(self, mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, update_frequency, update_offset, alpha_function, initial_dist=None,
                 target_dist=None, max_kl=0.1, std_lower_bound=None, kl_threshold=None,  cg_parameters=None,
                 use_avg_performance=False, max_context_buffer_size=1000, reset_contexts=True, discount_factor=0.99):
            Self-paced Deep Reinforcement Learning (
            Taken from and wrapped to our architecture.

            Works in a non-episodic setup, updates are thus made in the `step_update` method.

                update_frequency: Update frequency of the sampling distribution (in steps)
                update_offset: How many steps must be done before the starting to update the distribution
                alpha_function: Function calculating the alpha parameter
                initial_dist: Initial distribution to start from
                target_dist: Target distribution to reach
                max_kl: Maximum KL-divergence authorized between the old and new distributions when updating
                std_lower_bound: Minimum std authorized on the sampling distribution if the KL-divergence between
                                    the latter and the target distribution is greater than `kl_threshold`. Set this to
                                    `None` if no constraint on the std must be applied
                kl_threshold: Threshold enforcing the std constraint
                cg_parameters: Additional parameters for the Conjugate Gradient method
                use_avg_performance: Whether the alpha function must used the averaged performance
                max_context_buffer_size: Maximum size of the buffer storing sampled tasks
                reset_contexts: Whether the buffer should be reset when queried
                discount_factor: Discount factor used in the Universal Value Function
        AbstractTeacher.__init__(self, mins, maxs, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, seed)

        initial_mean, initial_variance = self.get_or_create_dist(initial_dist, mins, maxs, subspace=True) # Random subspace of the task space if no intial dist
        target_mean, target_variance = self.get_or_create_dist(target_dist, mins, maxs, subspace=False) # Full task space if no intial dist

        context_bounds = (np.array(mins), np.array(maxs))

        self.update_frequency = update_frequency
        self.update_offset = update_offset
        self.step_counter = 0
        self.discounted_sum_reward = 0
        self.discount_factor = discount_factor
        self.discounted_sum_rewards = []
        self.current_disc = 1
        self.pending_initial_state = None
        self.algorithm_iterations = 0

        # The bounds that we show to the outside are limited to the interval [-1, 1], as this is typically better for
        # neural nets to deal with
        self.context_buffer = Buffer(2, max_context_buffer_size, reset_contexts)
        self.context_dim = target_mean.shape[0]
        self.context_bounds = context_bounds
        self.use_avg_performance = use_avg_performance

        if std_lower_bound is not None and kl_threshold is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Error! Both Lower Bound on standard deviation and kl threshold need to be set")
            if std_lower_bound is not None:
                if isinstance(std_lower_bound, np.ndarray):
                    if std_lower_bound.shape[0] != self.context_dim:
                        raise RuntimeError("Error! Wrong dimension of the standard deviation lower bound")
                elif std_lower_bound is not None:
                    std_lower_bound = np.ones(self.context_dim) * std_lower_bound
            self.std_lower_bound = std_lower_bound
            self.kl_threshold = kl_threshold

        # Create the initial context distribution
        if isinstance(initial_variance, np.ndarray):
            flat_init_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(initial_variance, tril=False)
            flat_init_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(initial_variance * np.eye(self.context_dim),

        # Create the target distribution
        if isinstance(target_variance, np.ndarray):
            flat_target_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(target_variance, tril=False)
            flat_target_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(target_variance * np.eye(self.context_dim),

        AbstractSelfPacedTeacher.__init__(self, initial_mean, flat_init_chol, target_mean, flat_target_chol,
                                               alpha_function, max_kl, cg_parameters)
        self.bk = {'mean': [],
                   'covariance': [],
                   'steps': [],
                   'algo_iterations': [],
                   'kl': []}

    def record_initial_state(self, task, initial_state):
        self.pending_initial_state = initial_state

    def episodic_update(self, task, reward, is_success):
        assert self.pending_initial_state is not None

        self.context_buffer.update_buffer((self.pending_initial_state, task))
        self.discounted_sum_reward = 0
        self.current_disc = 1
        self.pending_initial_state = None

    def step_update(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done):
        self.step_counter += 1
        self.discounted_sum_reward += self.current_disc * reward
        self.current_disc *= self.discount_factor

        if self.step_counter >= self.update_offset and self.step_counter % self.update_frequency == 0:
            if len(self.discounted_sum_rewards) > 0 and len(self.context_buffer) > 0:
                self.algorithm_iterations += 1
                avg_performance = np.mean(self.discounted_sum_rewards)
                self.discounted_sum_rewards = []

                ins, cons = self.context_buffer.read_buffer()
                initial_states, contexts = np.array(ins), np.array(cons)
                values = self.value_estimator(initial_states)
                if values is None:
                    raise Exception("Please define a valid value estimator, this one returns None...")

                old_context_dist = deepcopy(self.context_dist)
                contexts_t = to_float_tensor(contexts, use_cuda=False)
                old_c_log_prob_t = old_context_dist.log_pdf_t(contexts_t).detach()

                # Estimate the value of the state after the policy update
                c_val_t = to_float_tensor(values, use_cuda=False)

                # Add the penalty term
                cur_kl_t = self.target_context_kl(numpy=False)
                if self.use_avg_performance:
                    alpha_cur_t = self.alpha_function(self.algorithm_iterations, avg_performance, cur_kl_t)
                    alpha_cur_t = self.alpha_function(self.algorithm_iterations, torch.mean(c_val_t).detach(), cur_kl_t)

                cg_step(partial(self._compute_context_loss, contexts_t, old_c_log_prob_t, c_val_t, alpha_cur_t),
                        partial(self._compute_context_kl, old_context_dist), self.max_kl,
                        self.context_dist.parameters, self.context_dist.set_weights,
                        self.context_dist.get_weights, **self.cg_parameters, use_cuda=False)

                cov = self.context_dist._chol_flat.detach().numpy()
                if self.std_lower_bound is not None and self.target_context_kl() > self.kl_threshold:
                    cov[0:self.context_dim] = np.log(np.maximum(np.exp(cov[0:self.context_dim]), self.std_lower_bound))
                    self.context_dist.set_weights(np.concatenate((self.context_dist.mean(), cov)))
                print("Skipping iteration at step {} because buffers are empty.".format(self.step_counter))

    def sample_task(self):
        sample = self.context_dist.sample().detach().numpy()
        return np.clip(sample, self.context_bounds[0], self.context_bounds[1], dtype=np.float32)

    def non_exploratory_task_sampling(self):
        return {"task": self.sample_task(),
                "infos": {
                    "bk_index": len(self.bk[list(self.bk.keys())[0]]) - 1,
                    "task_infos": None}


class AbstractSelfPacedTeacher (init_mean, flat_init_chol, target_mean, flat_target_chol, alpha_function, max_kl, cg_parameters)

Base SPDL Teacher

Expand source code
class AbstractSelfPacedTeacher():
        Base SPDL Teacher
    def __init__(self, init_mean, flat_init_chol, target_mean, flat_target_chol, alpha_function, max_kl, cg_parameters):
        self.context_dist = GaussianTorchDistribution(init_mean, flat_init_chol, use_cuda=False)
        self.target_dist = GaussianTorchDistribution(target_mean, flat_target_chol, use_cuda=False)

        self.alpha_function = alpha_function
        self.max_kl = max_kl
        self.cg_parameters = {"n_epochs_line_search": 10, "n_epochs_cg": 10, "cg_damping": 1e-2,
                              "cg_residual_tol": 1e-10}
        if cg_parameters is not None:

        self.task = None
        self.iteration = 0

    def target_context_kl(self, numpy=True):
        kl_div = torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(self.context_dist.distribution_t,
        if numpy:
            kl_div = kl_div.numpy()

        return kl_div

    def save(self, path):
        weights = self.context_dist.get_weights(), weights)

    def load(self, path):

    def _compute_context_kl(self, old_context_dist):
        return torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(old_context_dist.distribution_t, self.context_dist.distribution_t)

    def _compute_context_loss(self, cons_t, old_c_log_prob_t, c_val_t, alpha_cur_t):
        con_ratio_t = torch.exp(self.context_dist.log_pdf_t(cons_t) - old_c_log_prob_t)
        kl_div = torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(self.context_dist.distribution_t, self.target_dist.distribution_t)
        return torch.mean(con_ratio_t * c_val_t) - alpha_cur_t * kl_div



def load(self, path)
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def load(self, path):
def save(self, path)
Expand source code
def save(self, path):
    weights = self.context_dist.get_weights(), weights)
def target_context_kl(self, numpy=True)
Expand source code
def target_context_kl(self, numpy=True):
    kl_div = torch.distributions.kl.kl_divergence(self.context_dist.distribution_t,
    if numpy:
        kl_div = kl_div.numpy()

    return kl_div
class Buffer (n_elements, max_buffer_size, reset_on_query)
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class Buffer:
    def __init__(self, n_elements, max_buffer_size, reset_on_query):
        self.reset_on_query = reset_on_query
        self.max_buffer_size = max_buffer_size
        self.buffers = [list() for i in range(0, n_elements)]

    def update_buffer(self, datas):
        if isinstance(datas[0], list):
            for buffer, data in zip(self.buffers, datas):
            for buffer, data in zip(self.buffers, datas):

        while len(self.buffers[0]) > self.max_buffer_size:
            for buffer in self.buffers:
                del buffer[0]

    def read_buffer(self, reset=None):
        if reset is None:
            reset = self.reset_on_query

        res = tuple([buffer for buffer in self.buffers])

        if reset:
            for i in range(0, len(self.buffers)):
                self.buffers[i] = []

        return res

    def __len__(self):
        return len(self.buffers[0])


def read_buffer(self, reset=None)
Expand source code
def read_buffer(self, reset=None):
    if reset is None:
        reset = self.reset_on_query

    res = tuple([buffer for buffer in self.buffers])

    if reset:
        for i in range(0, len(self.buffers)):
            self.buffers[i] = []

    return res
def update_buffer(self, datas)
Expand source code
def update_buffer(self, datas):
    if isinstance(datas[0], list):
        for buffer, data in zip(self.buffers, datas):
        for buffer, data in zip(self.buffers, datas):

    while len(self.buffers[0]) > self.max_buffer_size:
        for buffer in self.buffers:
            del buffer[0]
class SelfPacedTeacher (mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, update_frequency, update_offset, alpha_function, initial_dist=None, target_dist=None, max_kl=0.1, std_lower_bound=None, kl_threshold=None, cg_parameters=None, use_avg_performance=False, max_context_buffer_size=1000, reset_contexts=True, discount_factor=0.99)

Base class for ACL methods.

This will be used to sample tasks for the DeepRL student given a task space provided at the beginning of training.

Self-paced Deep Reinforcement Learning ( Taken from and wrapped to our architecture.

Works in a non-episodic setup, updates are thus made in the step_update method.


Update frequency of the sampling distribution (in steps)
How many steps must be done before the starting to update the distribution
Function calculating the alpha parameter
Initial distribution to start from
Target distribution to reach
Maximum KL-divergence authorized between the old and new distributions when updating
Minimum std authorized on the sampling distribution if the KL-divergence between the latter and the target distribution is greater than kl_threshold. Set this to None if no constraint on the std must be applied
Threshold enforcing the std constraint
Additional parameters for the Conjugate Gradient method
Whether the alpha function must used the averaged performance
Maximum size of the buffer storing sampled tasks
Whether the buffer should be reset when queried
Discount factor used in the Universal Value Function
Expand source code
class SelfPacedTeacher(AbstractTeacher, AbstractSelfPacedTeacher):
    def __init__(self, mins, maxs, seed, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, update_frequency, update_offset, alpha_function, initial_dist=None,
                 target_dist=None, max_kl=0.1, std_lower_bound=None, kl_threshold=None,  cg_parameters=None,
                 use_avg_performance=False, max_context_buffer_size=1000, reset_contexts=True, discount_factor=0.99):
            Self-paced Deep Reinforcement Learning (
            Taken from and wrapped to our architecture.

            Works in a non-episodic setup, updates are thus made in the `step_update` method.

                update_frequency: Update frequency of the sampling distribution (in steps)
                update_offset: How many steps must be done before the starting to update the distribution
                alpha_function: Function calculating the alpha parameter
                initial_dist: Initial distribution to start from
                target_dist: Target distribution to reach
                max_kl: Maximum KL-divergence authorized between the old and new distributions when updating
                std_lower_bound: Minimum std authorized on the sampling distribution if the KL-divergence between
                                    the latter and the target distribution is greater than `kl_threshold`. Set this to
                                    `None` if no constraint on the std must be applied
                kl_threshold: Threshold enforcing the std constraint
                cg_parameters: Additional parameters for the Conjugate Gradient method
                use_avg_performance: Whether the alpha function must used the averaged performance
                max_context_buffer_size: Maximum size of the buffer storing sampled tasks
                reset_contexts: Whether the buffer should be reset when queried
                discount_factor: Discount factor used in the Universal Value Function
        AbstractTeacher.__init__(self, mins, maxs, env_reward_lb, env_reward_ub, seed)

        initial_mean, initial_variance = self.get_or_create_dist(initial_dist, mins, maxs, subspace=True) # Random subspace of the task space if no intial dist
        target_mean, target_variance = self.get_or_create_dist(target_dist, mins, maxs, subspace=False) # Full task space if no intial dist

        context_bounds = (np.array(mins), np.array(maxs))

        self.update_frequency = update_frequency
        self.update_offset = update_offset
        self.step_counter = 0
        self.discounted_sum_reward = 0
        self.discount_factor = discount_factor
        self.discounted_sum_rewards = []
        self.current_disc = 1
        self.pending_initial_state = None
        self.algorithm_iterations = 0

        # The bounds that we show to the outside are limited to the interval [-1, 1], as this is typically better for
        # neural nets to deal with
        self.context_buffer = Buffer(2, max_context_buffer_size, reset_contexts)
        self.context_dim = target_mean.shape[0]
        self.context_bounds = context_bounds
        self.use_avg_performance = use_avg_performance

        if std_lower_bound is not None and kl_threshold is None:
            raise RuntimeError("Error! Both Lower Bound on standard deviation and kl threshold need to be set")
            if std_lower_bound is not None:
                if isinstance(std_lower_bound, np.ndarray):
                    if std_lower_bound.shape[0] != self.context_dim:
                        raise RuntimeError("Error! Wrong dimension of the standard deviation lower bound")
                elif std_lower_bound is not None:
                    std_lower_bound = np.ones(self.context_dim) * std_lower_bound
            self.std_lower_bound = std_lower_bound
            self.kl_threshold = kl_threshold

        # Create the initial context distribution
        if isinstance(initial_variance, np.ndarray):
            flat_init_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(initial_variance, tril=False)
            flat_init_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(initial_variance * np.eye(self.context_dim),

        # Create the target distribution
        if isinstance(target_variance, np.ndarray):
            flat_target_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(target_variance, tril=False)
            flat_target_chol = GaussianTorchDistribution.flatten_matrix(target_variance * np.eye(self.context_dim),

        AbstractSelfPacedTeacher.__init__(self, initial_mean, flat_init_chol, target_mean, flat_target_chol,
                                               alpha_function, max_kl, cg_parameters)
        self.bk = {'mean': [],
                   'covariance': [],
                   'steps': [],
                   'algo_iterations': [],
                   'kl': []}

    def record_initial_state(self, task, initial_state):
        self.pending_initial_state = initial_state

    def episodic_update(self, task, reward, is_success):
        assert self.pending_initial_state is not None

        self.context_buffer.update_buffer((self.pending_initial_state, task))
        self.discounted_sum_reward = 0
        self.current_disc = 1
        self.pending_initial_state = None

    def step_update(self, state, action, reward, next_state, done):
        self.step_counter += 1
        self.discounted_sum_reward += self.current_disc * reward
        self.current_disc *= self.discount_factor

        if self.step_counter >= self.update_offset and self.step_counter % self.update_frequency == 0:
            if len(self.discounted_sum_rewards) > 0 and len(self.context_buffer) > 0:
                self.algorithm_iterations += 1
                avg_performance = np.mean(self.discounted_sum_rewards)
                self.discounted_sum_rewards = []

                ins, cons = self.context_buffer.read_buffer()
                initial_states, contexts = np.array(ins), np.array(cons)
                values = self.value_estimator(initial_states)
                if values is None:
                    raise Exception("Please define a valid value estimator, this one returns None...")

                old_context_dist = deepcopy(self.context_dist)
                contexts_t = to_float_tensor(contexts, use_cuda=False)
                old_c_log_prob_t = old_context_dist.log_pdf_t(contexts_t).detach()

                # Estimate the value of the state after the policy update
                c_val_t = to_float_tensor(values, use_cuda=False)

                # Add the penalty term
                cur_kl_t = self.target_context_kl(numpy=False)
                if self.use_avg_performance:
                    alpha_cur_t = self.alpha_function(self.algorithm_iterations, avg_performance, cur_kl_t)
                    alpha_cur_t = self.alpha_function(self.algorithm_iterations, torch.mean(c_val_t).detach(), cur_kl_t)

                cg_step(partial(self._compute_context_loss, contexts_t, old_c_log_prob_t, c_val_t, alpha_cur_t),
                        partial(self._compute_context_kl, old_context_dist), self.max_kl,
                        self.context_dist.parameters, self.context_dist.set_weights,
                        self.context_dist.get_weights, **self.cg_parameters, use_cuda=False)

                cov = self.context_dist._chol_flat.detach().numpy()
                if self.std_lower_bound is not None and self.target_context_kl() > self.kl_threshold:
                    cov[0:self.context_dim] = np.log(np.maximum(np.exp(cov[0:self.context_dim]), self.std_lower_bound))
                    self.context_dist.set_weights(np.concatenate((self.context_dist.mean(), cov)))
                print("Skipping iteration at step {} because buffers are empty.".format(self.step_counter))

    def sample_task(self):
        sample = self.context_dist.sample().detach().numpy()
        return np.clip(sample, self.context_bounds[0], self.context_bounds[1], dtype=np.float32)

    def non_exploratory_task_sampling(self):
        return {"task": self.sample_task(),
                "infos": {
                    "bk_index": len(self.bk[list(self.bk.keys())[0]]) - 1,
                    "task_infos": None}


Inherited members