Module TeachMyAgent.teachers.utils.dataset
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# Taken from
# Copy of the license at TeachMyAgent/teachers/LICENSES/ALP-GMM
# Modified version of dataset from
# Implements a buffered knn using a kd-tree
import numpy as np
import scipy.spatial
print("Can't import scipy.spatial (or numpy). Is scipy (or numpy) correctly installed ?")
DATA_X = 0
DATA_Y = 1
class Databag(object):
"""Hold a set of vectors and provides nearest neighbors capabilities"""
def __init__(self, dim):
dim: the dimension of the data vectors
self.dim = dim
def __repr__(self):
return 'Databag(dim={0}, data=[{1}])'.format(self.dim, ', '.join(str(x) for x in
def add(self, x):
assert len(x) == self.dim
self.size += 1
self.nn_ready = False
def reset(self):
"""Reset the dataset to zero elements.""" = []
self.size = 0
self.kdtree = None # KDTree
self.nn_ready = False # if True, the tree is up-to-date.
def nn(self, x, k = 1, radius = np.inf, eps = 0.0, p = 2):
"""Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data
x: center
k: the number of nearest neighbors to return (default: 1)
eps: approximate nearest neighbors.
the k-th returned value is guaranteed to be no further than
(1 + eps) times the distance to the real k-th nearest neighbor.
p: Which Minkowski p-norm to use. (default: 2, euclidean)
radius: the maximum radius (default: +inf)
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
assert len(x) == self.dim, 'dimension of input {} does not match expected dimension {}.'.format(len(x), self.dim)
k_x = min(k, self.size)
# Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x
# to accomodate a constant, we store them that way.
return self._nn(np.array(x), k_x, radius = radius, eps = eps, p = p)
def get(self, index):
def iter(self):
return iter(
def _nn(self, v, k = 1, radius = np.inf, eps = 0.0, p = 2):
"""Compute the k nearest neighbors of v in the observed data,
:see: nn() for arguments descriptions.
dists, idxes = self.kdtree.query(v, k = k, distance_upper_bound = radius,
eps = eps, p = p)
if k == 1:
dists, idxes = np.array([dists]), [idxes]
return dists, idxes
def _build_tree(self):
"""Build the KDTree for the observed data
if not self.nn_ready:
self.kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree(
self.nn_ready = True
def __len__(self):
return self.size
class Dataset(object):
"""Hold observations an provide nearest neighbors facilities"""
def from_data(cls, data):
""" Create a dataset from an array of data, infering the dimension from the datapoint """
if len(data) == 0:
raise ValueError("data array is empty.")
dim_x, dim_y = len(data[0][0]), len(data[0][1])
dataset = cls(dim_x, dim_y)
for x, y in data:
assert len(x) == dim_x and len(y) == dim_y
dataset.add_xy(x, y)
return dataset
def from_xy(cls, x_array, y_array):
""" Create a dataset from two arrays of data.
:note: infering the dimensions for the first elements of each array.
if len(x_array) == 0:
raise ValueError("data array is empty.")
dim_x, dim_y = len(x_array[0]), len(y_array[0])
dataset = cls(dim_x, dim_y)
for x, y in zip(x_array, y_array):
assert len(x) == dim_x and len(y) == dim_y
dataset.add_xy(x, y)
return dataset
def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, lateness=0, max_size=None):
dim_x: the dimension of the input vectors
dim_y: the dimension of the output vectors
self.dim_x = dim_x
self.dim_y = dim_y
self.lateness = lateness
self.max_size = max_size
# The two next methods are used for plicling/unpickling the object (because cKDTree cannot be pickled).
def __getstate__(self):
odict = self.__dict__.copy()
del odict['kdtree']
return odict
def __setstate__(self,dict):
self.nn_ready = [False, False]
self.kdtree = [None, None]
def reset(self):
"""Reset the dataset to zero elements.""" = [[], []]
self.size = 0
self.kdtree = [None, None] # KDTreeX, KDTreeY
self.nn_ready = [False, False] # if True, the tree is up-to-date.
self.kdtree_y_sub = None
self.late_points = 0
def add_xy(self, x, y=None):
#assert len(x) == self.dim_x, (len(x), self.dim_x)
#assert self.dim_y == 0 or len(y) == self.dim_y, (len(y), self.dim_y)[0].append(x)
if self.dim_y > 0:[1].append(y)
self.size += 1
if self.late_points == self.lateness:
self.nn_ready = [False, False]
self.late_points = 0
self.late_points += 1
# Reduce data size
if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size:
n = self.size - self.max_size
self.size = self.max_size
def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list):
assert len(x_list) == len(y_list)[0] =[0] + x_list[1] =[1] + y_list
self.size += len(x_list)
# Reduce data size
if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size:
n = self.size - self.max_size
self.size = self.max_size
def get_x(self, index):
def set_x(self, x, index):[0][index] = x
def get_x_padded(self, index):
return np.append(1.0,[0][index])
def get_y(self, index):
def set_y(self, y, index):[1][index] = y
def get_xy(self, index):
return self.get_x(index), self.get_y(index)
def set_xy(self, x, y, index):
self.set_x(x, index)
self.set_y(y, index)
def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None):
if dims is None:
return np.hstack((np.array([0][index])[dims_x], np.array([1][index])[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x]))
if max(dims) < self.dim_x:
return np.array([0][index])[dims]
elif min(dims) > self.dim_x:
return np.array([1][index])[np.array(dims) - self.dim_x]
raise NotImplementedError
def iter_x(self):
return iter(d for d in[0])
def iter_y(self):
return iter([1])
def iter_xy(self):
return zip(self.iter_x(),[1])
def __len__(self):
return self.size
def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2):
"""Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data
@see Databag.nn() for argument description
@return distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
assert len(x) == self.dim_x
k_x = min(k, self.size)
# Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x
# to accomodate a constant, we store them that way.
return self._nn(DATA_X, x, k=k_x, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p)
def nn_y(self, y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2):
"""Find the k nearest neighbors of y in the observed output data
@see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
assert len(y) == self.dim_y
k_y = min(k, self.size)
return self._nn(DATA_Y, y, k=k_y, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p)
def nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2):
"""Find the k nearest neighbors of a subset of dims of x and y in the observed output data
@see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
assert len(x) == len(dims_x)
assert len(y) == len(dims_y)
if len(dims_x) == 0:
kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.array(data_y)[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x] for data_y in[DATA_Y]])
elif len(dims_y) == 0:
kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.array(data_x)[dims_x] for data_x in[DATA_X]])
kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.hstack((np.array(data_x)[dims_x], np.array(data_y)[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x])) for data_x,data_y in zip([DATA_X],[DATA_Y])])
dists, idxes = kdtree.query(np.hstack((x, y)),
k = k,
distance_upper_bound = radius,
eps = eps,
p = p)
if k == 1:
dists, idxes = np.array([dists]), [idxes]
return dists, idxes
def _nn(self, side, v, k = 1, radius = np.inf, eps = 0.0, p = 2):
"""Compute the k nearest neighbors of v in the observed data,
side if equal to DATA_X, search among input data.
if equal to DATA_Y, search among output data.
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
dists, idxes = self.kdtree[side].query(v, k = k, distance_upper_bound = radius,
eps = eps, p = p)
if k == 1:
dists, idxes = np.array([dists]), [idxes]
return dists, idxes
def _build_tree(self, side):
"""Build the KDTree for the observed data
side if equal to DATA_X, build input data tree.
if equal to DATA_Y, build output data tree.
if not self.nn_ready[side]:
self.kdtree[side] = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([side], compact_nodes=False, balanced_tree=False) # Those options are required with scipy >= 0.16
self.nn_ready[side] = True
class BufferedDataset(Dataset):
"""Add a buffer of a few points to avoid recomputing the kdtree at each addition"""
def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, buffer_size=200, lateness=5, max_size=None):
dim_x: the dimension of the input vectors
dim_y: the dimension of the output vectors
self.buffer_size = buffer_size
self.lateness = lateness
self.buffer = Dataset(dim_x, dim_y, lateness=self.lateness)
Dataset.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, lateness=0)
self.max_size = max_size
def reset(self):
def add_xy(self, x, y=None):
if self.buffer.size < self.buffer_size:
self.buffer.add_xy(x, y)
else:[0] =[0] +[0]
if self.dim_y > 0:[1] =[1] +[1]
self.size += self.buffer.size
self.buffer = Dataset(self.dim_x, self.dim_y, lateness=self.lateness)
self.nn_ready = [False, False]
self.buffer.add_xy(x, y)
# Reduce data size
if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size:
n = self.size - self.max_size
self.size = self.max_size
def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list):
assert len(x_list) == len(y_list)
self.buffer = Dataset(self.dim_x, self.dim_y, lateness=self.lateness)
Dataset.add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list)
self.nn_ready = [False, False]
def get_x(self, index):
if index >= self.size:
def set_x(self, x, index):
if index >= self.size:
self.buffer.set_x(x, index-self.size)
else:[0][index] = x
def get_x_padded(self, index):
if index >= self.size:
return np.append(1.0,[0][index-self.size])
return np.append(1.0,[0][index])
def get_y(self, index):
if index >= self.size:
def set_y(self, y, index):
if index >= self.size:
self.buffer.set_y(y, index-self.size)
else:[1][index] = y
def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None):
if index >= self.size:
return self.buffer.get_dims(index-self.size, dims_x, dims_y, dims)
return Dataset.get_dims(self, index, dims_x, dims_y, dims)
def iter_x(self):
return iter(d for d in[0] +[0])
def iter_y(self):
return iter([1] +[1])
def iter_xy(self):
return zip(self.iter_x(),[1] +[1])
def __len__(self):
return self.size + self.buffer.size
def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2):
"""Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data
@see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
assert len(x) == self.dim_x
k_x = min(k, self.__len__())
# Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x
# to accomodate a constant, we store them that way.
return self._nn(DATA_X, x, k=k_x, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p)
def nn_y(self, y, dims=None, k = 1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2):
"""Find the k nearest neighbors of y in the observed output data
@see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
if dims is None:
assert len(y) == self.dim_y
k_y = min(k, self.__len__())
return self._nn(DATA_Y, y, k=k_y, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p)
return self.nn_y_sub(y, dims, k, radius, eps, p)
def nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2):
"""Find the k nearest neighbors of a subset of dims of x and y in the observed output data
@see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
if self.size > 0:
dists, idxes = Dataset.nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k, radius, eps, p)
return self.buffer.nn_dims(x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k, radius, eps, p)
if self.buffer.size > 0:
buffer_dists, buffer_idxes = self.buffer.nn_dims(x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k, radius, eps, p)
buffer_idxes = [i + self.size for i in buffer_idxes]
ziped = zip(dists, idxes)
buffer_ziped = zip(buffer_dists, buffer_idxes)
sorted_dists_idxes = sorted(ziped + buffer_ziped, key=lambda di:di[0])
knns = sorted_dists_idxes[:k]
return [knn[0] for knn in knns], [knn[1] for knn in knns]
return dists, idxes
def _nn(self, side, v, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2):
"""Compute the k nearest neighbors of v in the observed data,
side if equal to DATA_X, search among input data.
if equal to DATA_Y, search among output data.
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
if self.size > 0:
dists, idxes = Dataset._nn(self, side, v, k, radius, eps, p)
return self.buffer._nn(side, v, k, radius, eps, p)
if self.buffer.size > 0:
buffer_dists, buffer_idxes = self.buffer._nn(side, v, k, radius, eps, p)
buffer_idxes = [i + self.size for i in buffer_idxes]
if dists[0] <= buffer_dists:
return dists, idxes
return buffer_dists, buffer_idxes
ziped = zip(dists, idxes)
buffer_ziped = zip(buffer_dists, buffer_idxes)
sorted_dists_idxes = sorted(ziped + buffer_ziped, key=lambda di:di[0])
knns = sorted_dists_idxes[:k]
return [knn[0] for knn in knns], [knn[1] for knn in knns]
return dists, idxes
class BufferedDataset (dim_x, dim_y, buffer_size=200, lateness=5, max_size=None)
Add a buffer of a few points to avoid recomputing the kdtree at each addition
- the dimension of the input vectors
- the dimension of the output vectors
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class BufferedDataset(Dataset): """Add a buffer of a few points to avoid recomputing the kdtree at each addition""" def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, buffer_size=200, lateness=5, max_size=None): """ Args: dim_x: the dimension of the input vectors dim_y: the dimension of the output vectors """ self.buffer_size = buffer_size self.lateness = lateness self.buffer = Dataset(dim_x, dim_y, lateness=self.lateness) Dataset.__init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, lateness=0) self.max_size = max_size def reset(self): self.buffer.reset() Dataset.reset(self) def add_xy(self, x, y=None): if self.buffer.size < self.buffer_size: self.buffer.add_xy(x, y) else:[0] =[0] +[0] if self.dim_y > 0:[1] =[1] +[1] self.size += self.buffer.size self.buffer = Dataset(self.dim_x, self.dim_y, lateness=self.lateness) self.nn_ready = [False, False] self.buffer.add_xy(x, y) # Reduce data size if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size: n = self.size - self.max_size del[0][:n] del[1][:n] self.size = self.max_size def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list): assert len(x_list) == len(y_list) Dataset.add_xy_batch(self,[0],[1]) self.buffer = Dataset(self.dim_x, self.dim_y, lateness=self.lateness) Dataset.add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list) self.nn_ready = [False, False] def get_x(self, index): if index >= self.size: return[0][index-self.size] else: return[0][index] def set_x(self, x, index): if index >= self.size: self.buffer.set_x(x, index-self.size) else:[0][index] = x def get_x_padded(self, index): if index >= self.size: return np.append(1.0,[0][index-self.size]) else: return np.append(1.0,[0][index]) def get_y(self, index): if index >= self.size: return[1][index-self.size] else: return[1][index] def set_y(self, y, index): if index >= self.size: self.buffer.set_y(y, index-self.size) else:[1][index] = y def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None): if index >= self.size: return self.buffer.get_dims(index-self.size, dims_x, dims_y, dims) else: return Dataset.get_dims(self, index, dims_x, dims_y, dims) def iter_x(self): return iter(d for d in[0] +[0]) def iter_y(self): return iter([1] +[1]) def iter_xy(self): return zip(self.iter_x(),[1] +[1]) def __len__(self): return self.size + self.buffer.size def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == self.dim_x k_x = min(k, self.__len__()) # Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x # to accomodate a constant, we store them that way. return self._nn(DATA_X, x, k=k_x, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p) def nn_y(self, y, dims=None, k = 1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ if dims is None: assert len(y) == self.dim_y k_y = min(k, self.__len__()) return self._nn(DATA_Y, y, k=k_y, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p) else: return self.nn_y_sub(y, dims, k, radius, eps, p) def nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of a subset of dims of x and y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ if self.size > 0: dists, idxes = Dataset.nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k, radius, eps, p) else: return self.buffer.nn_dims(x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k, radius, eps, p) if self.buffer.size > 0: buffer_dists, buffer_idxes = self.buffer.nn_dims(x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k, radius, eps, p) buffer_idxes = [i + self.size for i in buffer_idxes] ziped = zip(dists, idxes) buffer_ziped = zip(buffer_dists, buffer_idxes) sorted_dists_idxes = sorted(ziped + buffer_ziped, key=lambda di:di[0]) knns = sorted_dists_idxes[:k] return [knn[0] for knn in knns], [knn[1] for knn in knns] else: return dists, idxes def _nn(self, side, v, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Compute the k nearest neighbors of v in the observed data, Args: side if equal to DATA_X, search among input data. if equal to DATA_Y, search among output data. Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ if self.size > 0: dists, idxes = Dataset._nn(self, side, v, k, radius, eps, p) else: return self.buffer._nn(side, v, k, radius, eps, p) if self.buffer.size > 0: buffer_dists, buffer_idxes = self.buffer._nn(side, v, k, radius, eps, p) buffer_idxes = [i + self.size for i in buffer_idxes] if dists[0] <= buffer_dists: return dists, idxes else: return buffer_dists, buffer_idxes ziped = zip(dists, idxes) buffer_ziped = zip(buffer_dists, buffer_idxes) sorted_dists_idxes = sorted(ziped + buffer_ziped, key=lambda di:di[0]) knns = sorted_dists_idxes[:k] return [knn[0] for knn in knns], [knn[1] for knn in knns] else: return dists, idxes
def add_xy(self, x, y=None)
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def add_xy(self, x, y=None): if self.buffer.size < self.buffer_size: self.buffer.add_xy(x, y) else:[0] =[0] +[0] if self.dim_y > 0:[1] =[1] +[1] self.size += self.buffer.size self.buffer = Dataset(self.dim_x, self.dim_y, lateness=self.lateness) self.nn_ready = [False, False] self.buffer.add_xy(x, y) # Reduce data size if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size: n = self.size - self.max_size del[0][:n] del[1][:n] self.size = self.max_size
def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list)
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def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list): assert len(x_list) == len(y_list) Dataset.add_xy_batch(self,[0],[1]) self.buffer = Dataset(self.dim_x, self.dim_y, lateness=self.lateness) Dataset.add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list) self.nn_ready = [False, False]
def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None)
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def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None): if index >= self.size: return self.buffer.get_dims(index-self.size, dims_x, dims_y, dims) else: return Dataset.get_dims(self, index, dims_x, dims_y, dims)
def get_x(self, index)
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def get_x(self, index): if index >= self.size: return[0][index-self.size] else: return[0][index]
def get_x_padded(self, index)
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def get_x_padded(self, index): if index >= self.size: return np.append(1.0,[0][index-self.size]) else: return np.append(1.0,[0][index])
def get_y(self, index)
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def get_y(self, index): if index >= self.size: return[1][index-self.size] else: return[1][index]
def iter_x(self)
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def iter_x(self): return iter(d for d in[0] +[0])
def iter_xy(self)
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def iter_xy(self): return zip(self.iter_x(),[1] +[1])
def iter_y(self)
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def iter_y(self): return iter([1] +[1])
def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=inf, eps=0.0, p=2)
Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data @see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
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def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == self.dim_x k_x = min(k, self.__len__()) # Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x # to accomodate a constant, we store them that way. return self._nn(DATA_X, x, k=k_x, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p)
def set_x(self, x, index)
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def set_x(self, x, index): if index >= self.size: self.buffer.set_x(x, index-self.size) else:[0][index] = x
def set_y(self, y, index)
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def set_y(self, y, index): if index >= self.size: self.buffer.set_y(y, index-self.size) else:[1][index] = y
Inherited members
class Databag (dim)
Hold a set of vectors and provides nearest neighbors capabilities
- the dimension of the data vectors
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class Databag(object): """Hold a set of vectors and provides nearest neighbors capabilities""" def __init__(self, dim): """ Args: dim: the dimension of the data vectors """ self.dim = dim self.reset() def __repr__(self): return 'Databag(dim={0}, data=[{1}])'.format(self.dim, ', '.join(str(x) for x in def add(self, x): assert len(x) == self.dim self.size += 1 self.nn_ready = False def reset(self): """Reset the dataset to zero elements.""" = [] self.size = 0 self.kdtree = None # KDTree self.nn_ready = False # if True, the tree is up-to-date. def nn(self, x, k = 1, radius = np.inf, eps = 0.0, p = 2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data Args: x: center k: the number of nearest neighbors to return (default: 1) eps: approximate nearest neighbors. the k-th returned value is guaranteed to be no further than (1 + eps) times the distance to the real k-th nearest neighbor. p: Which Minkowski p-norm to use. (default: 2, euclidean) radius: the maximum radius (default: +inf) Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == self.dim, 'dimension of input {} does not match expected dimension {}.'.format(len(x), self.dim) k_x = min(k, self.size) # Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x # to accomodate a constant, we store them that way. return self._nn(np.array(x), k_x, radius = radius, eps = eps, p = p) def get(self, index): return[index] def iter(self): return iter( def _nn(self, v, k = 1, radius = np.inf, eps = 0.0, p = 2): """Compute the k nearest neighbors of v in the observed data, :see: nn() for arguments descriptions. """ self._build_tree() dists, idxes = self.kdtree.query(v, k = k, distance_upper_bound = radius, eps = eps, p = p) if k == 1: dists, idxes = np.array([dists]), [idxes] return dists, idxes def _build_tree(self): """Build the KDTree for the observed data """ if not self.nn_ready: self.kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree( self.nn_ready = True def __len__(self): return self.size
def add(self, x)
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def add(self, x): assert len(x) == self.dim self.size += 1 self.nn_ready = False
def get(self, index)
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def get(self, index): return[index]
def iter(self)
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def iter(self): return iter(
def nn(self, x, k=1, radius=inf, eps=0.0, p=2)
Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data
the number of nearest neighbors to return (default: 1)
- approximate nearest neighbors. the k-th returned value is guaranteed to be no further than (1 + eps) times the distance to the real k-th nearest neighbor.
Which Minkowski p-norm to use. (default: 2, euclidean)
- the maximum radius (default: +inf)
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
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def nn(self, x, k = 1, radius = np.inf, eps = 0.0, p = 2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data Args: x: center k: the number of nearest neighbors to return (default: 1) eps: approximate nearest neighbors. the k-th returned value is guaranteed to be no further than (1 + eps) times the distance to the real k-th nearest neighbor. p: Which Minkowski p-norm to use. (default: 2, euclidean) radius: the maximum radius (default: +inf) Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == self.dim, 'dimension of input {} does not match expected dimension {}.'.format(len(x), self.dim) k_x = min(k, self.size) # Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x # to accomodate a constant, we store them that way. return self._nn(np.array(x), k_x, radius = radius, eps = eps, p = p)
def reset(self)
Reset the dataset to zero elements.
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def reset(self): """Reset the dataset to zero elements.""" = [] self.size = 0 self.kdtree = None # KDTree self.nn_ready = False # if True, the tree is up-to-date.
class Dataset (dim_x, dim_y, lateness=0, max_size=None)
Hold observations an provide nearest neighbors facilities
- the dimension of the input vectors
- the dimension of the output vectors
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class Dataset(object): """Hold observations an provide nearest neighbors facilities""" @classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """ Create a dataset from an array of data, infering the dimension from the datapoint """ if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError("data array is empty.") dim_x, dim_y = len(data[0][0]), len(data[0][1]) dataset = cls(dim_x, dim_y) for x, y in data: assert len(x) == dim_x and len(y) == dim_y dataset.add_xy(x, y) return dataset @classmethod def from_xy(cls, x_array, y_array): """ Create a dataset from two arrays of data. :note: infering the dimensions for the first elements of each array. """ if len(x_array) == 0: raise ValueError("data array is empty.") dim_x, dim_y = len(x_array[0]), len(y_array[0]) dataset = cls(dim_x, dim_y) for x, y in zip(x_array, y_array): assert len(x) == dim_x and len(y) == dim_y dataset.add_xy(x, y) return dataset def __init__(self, dim_x, dim_y, lateness=0, max_size=None): """ Args: dim_x: the dimension of the input vectors dim_y: the dimension of the output vectors """ self.dim_x = dim_x self.dim_y = dim_y self.lateness = lateness self.max_size = max_size self.reset() # The two next methods are used for plicling/unpickling the object (because cKDTree cannot be pickled). def __getstate__(self): odict = self.__dict__.copy() del odict['kdtree'] return odict def __setstate__(self,dict): self.__dict__.update(dict) self.nn_ready = [False, False] self.kdtree = [None, None] def reset(self): """Reset the dataset to zero elements.""" = [[], []] self.size = 0 self.kdtree = [None, None] # KDTreeX, KDTreeY self.nn_ready = [False, False] # if True, the tree is up-to-date. self.kdtree_y_sub = None self.late_points = 0 def add_xy(self, x, y=None): #assert len(x) == self.dim_x, (len(x), self.dim_x) #assert self.dim_y == 0 or len(y) == self.dim_y, (len(y), self.dim_y)[0].append(x) if self.dim_y > 0:[1].append(y) self.size += 1 if self.late_points == self.lateness: self.nn_ready = [False, False] self.late_points = 0 else: self.late_points += 1 # Reduce data size if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size: n = self.size - self.max_size del[0][:n] del[1][:n] self.size = self.max_size def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list): assert len(x_list) == len(y_list)[0] =[0] + x_list[1] =[1] + y_list self.size += len(x_list) # Reduce data size if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size: n = self.size - self.max_size del[0][:n] del[1][:n] self.size = self.max_size def get_x(self, index): return[0][index] def set_x(self, x, index):[0][index] = x def get_x_padded(self, index): return np.append(1.0,[0][index]) def get_y(self, index): return[1][index] def set_y(self, y, index):[1][index] = y def get_xy(self, index): return self.get_x(index), self.get_y(index) def set_xy(self, x, y, index): self.set_x(x, index) self.set_y(y, index) def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None): if dims is None: return np.hstack((np.array([0][index])[dims_x], np.array([1][index])[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x])) else: if max(dims) < self.dim_x: return np.array([0][index])[dims] elif min(dims) > self.dim_x: return np.array([1][index])[np.array(dims) - self.dim_x] else: raise NotImplementedError def iter_x(self): return iter(d for d in[0]) def iter_y(self): return iter([1]) def iter_xy(self): return zip(self.iter_x(),[1]) def __len__(self): return self.size def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data @see Databag.nn() for argument description @return distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == self.dim_x k_x = min(k, self.size) # Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x # to accomodate a constant, we store them that way. return self._nn(DATA_X, x, k=k_x, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p) def nn_y(self, y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(y) == self.dim_y k_y = min(k, self.size) return self._nn(DATA_Y, y, k=k_y, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p) def nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of a subset of dims of x and y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == len(dims_x) assert len(y) == len(dims_y) if len(dims_x) == 0: kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.array(data_y)[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x] for data_y in[DATA_Y]]) elif len(dims_y) == 0: kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.array(data_x)[dims_x] for data_x in[DATA_X]]) else: kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.hstack((np.array(data_x)[dims_x], np.array(data_y)[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x])) for data_x,data_y in zip([DATA_X],[DATA_Y])]) dists, idxes = kdtree.query(np.hstack((x, y)), k = k, distance_upper_bound = radius, eps = eps, p = p) if k == 1: dists, idxes = np.array([dists]), [idxes] return dists, idxes def _nn(self, side, v, k = 1, radius = np.inf, eps = 0.0, p = 2): """Compute the k nearest neighbors of v in the observed data, Aers: side if equal to DATA_X, search among input data. if equal to DATA_Y, search among output data. Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ self._build_tree(side) dists, idxes = self.kdtree[side].query(v, k = k, distance_upper_bound = radius, eps = eps, p = p) if k == 1: dists, idxes = np.array([dists]), [idxes] return dists, idxes def _build_tree(self, side): """Build the KDTree for the observed data Args: side if equal to DATA_X, build input data tree. if equal to DATA_Y, build output data tree. """ if not self.nn_ready[side]: self.kdtree[side] = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([side], compact_nodes=False, balanced_tree=False) # Those options are required with scipy >= 0.16 self.nn_ready[side] = True
Static methods
def from_data(data)
Create a dataset from an array of data, infering the dimension from the datapoint
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@classmethod def from_data(cls, data): """ Create a dataset from an array of data, infering the dimension from the datapoint """ if len(data) == 0: raise ValueError("data array is empty.") dim_x, dim_y = len(data[0][0]), len(data[0][1]) dataset = cls(dim_x, dim_y) for x, y in data: assert len(x) == dim_x and len(y) == dim_y dataset.add_xy(x, y) return dataset
def from_xy(x_array, y_array)
Create a dataset from two arrays of data.
:note: infering the dimensions for the first elements of each array.
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@classmethod def from_xy(cls, x_array, y_array): """ Create a dataset from two arrays of data. :note: infering the dimensions for the first elements of each array. """ if len(x_array) == 0: raise ValueError("data array is empty.") dim_x, dim_y = len(x_array[0]), len(y_array[0]) dataset = cls(dim_x, dim_y) for x, y in zip(x_array, y_array): assert len(x) == dim_x and len(y) == dim_y dataset.add_xy(x, y) return dataset
def add_xy(self, x, y=None)
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def add_xy(self, x, y=None): #assert len(x) == self.dim_x, (len(x), self.dim_x) #assert self.dim_y == 0 or len(y) == self.dim_y, (len(y), self.dim_y)[0].append(x) if self.dim_y > 0:[1].append(y) self.size += 1 if self.late_points == self.lateness: self.nn_ready = [False, False] self.late_points = 0 else: self.late_points += 1 # Reduce data size if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size: n = self.size - self.max_size del[0][:n] del[1][:n] self.size = self.max_size
def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list)
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def add_xy_batch(self, x_list, y_list): assert len(x_list) == len(y_list)[0] =[0] + x_list[1] =[1] + y_list self.size += len(x_list) # Reduce data size if self.max_size and self.size > self.max_size: n = self.size - self.max_size del[0][:n] del[1][:n] self.size = self.max_size
def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None)
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def get_dims(self, index, dims_x=None, dims_y=None, dims=None): if dims is None: return np.hstack((np.array([0][index])[dims_x], np.array([1][index])[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x])) else: if max(dims) < self.dim_x: return np.array([0][index])[dims] elif min(dims) > self.dim_x: return np.array([1][index])[np.array(dims) - self.dim_x] else: raise NotImplementedError
def get_x(self, index)
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def get_x(self, index): return[0][index]
def get_x_padded(self, index)
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def get_x_padded(self, index): return np.append(1.0,[0][index])
def get_xy(self, index)
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def get_xy(self, index): return self.get_x(index), self.get_y(index)
def get_y(self, index)
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def get_y(self, index): return[1][index]
def iter_x(self)
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def iter_x(self): return iter(d for d in[0])
def iter_xy(self)
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def iter_xy(self): return zip(self.iter_x(),[1])
def iter_y(self)
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def iter_y(self): return iter([1])
def nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k=1, radius=inf, eps=0.0, p=2)
Find the k nearest neighbors of a subset of dims of x and y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
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def nn_dims(self, x, y, dims_x, dims_y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of a subset of dims of x and y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == len(dims_x) assert len(y) == len(dims_y) if len(dims_x) == 0: kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.array(data_y)[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x] for data_y in[DATA_Y]]) elif len(dims_y) == 0: kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.array(data_x)[dims_x] for data_x in[DATA_X]]) else: kdtree = scipy.spatial.cKDTree([np.hstack((np.array(data_x)[dims_x], np.array(data_y)[np.array(dims_y) - self.dim_x])) for data_x,data_y in zip([DATA_X],[DATA_Y])]) dists, idxes = kdtree.query(np.hstack((x, y)), k = k, distance_upper_bound = radius, eps = eps, p = p) if k == 1: dists, idxes = np.array([dists]), [idxes] return dists, idxes
def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=inf, eps=0.0, p=2)
Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data @see Databag.nn() for argument description @return distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
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def nn_x(self, x, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of x in the observed input data @see Databag.nn() for argument description @return distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(x) == self.dim_x k_x = min(k, self.size) # Because linear models requires x vector to be extended to [1.0]+x # to accomodate a constant, we store them that way. return self._nn(DATA_X, x, k=k_x, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p)
def nn_y(self, y, k=1, radius=inf, eps=0.0, p=2)
Find the k nearest neighbors of y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description
distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors.
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def nn_y(self, y, k=1, radius=np.inf, eps=0.0, p=2): """Find the k nearest neighbors of y in the observed output data @see Databag.nn() for argument description Returns: distance and indexes of found nearest neighbors. """ assert len(y) == self.dim_y k_y = min(k, self.size) return self._nn(DATA_Y, y, k=k_y, radius=radius, eps=eps, p=p)
def reset(self)
Reset the dataset to zero elements.
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def reset(self): """Reset the dataset to zero elements.""" = [[], []] self.size = 0 self.kdtree = [None, None] # KDTreeX, KDTreeY self.nn_ready = [False, False] # if True, the tree is up-to-date. self.kdtree_y_sub = None self.late_points = 0
def set_x(self, x, index)
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def set_x(self, x, index):[0][index] = x
def set_xy(self, x, y, index)
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def set_xy(self, x, y, index): self.set_x(x, index) self.set_y(y, index)
def set_y(self, y, index)
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def set_y(self, y, index):[1][index] = y