import jax.numpy as jnp
from sbmltoodejax import jaxfuncs
import re
import sys
def GenerateModel(modelData, outputFilePath,
RateofSpeciesChangeName: str ='RateofSpeciesChange',
AssignmentRuleName: str='AssignmentRule',
ModelStepName: str='ModelStep',
ModelRolloutName: str='ModelRollout',
vary_constant_reactants: bool=False,
vary_boundary_reactants: bool=False,
deltaT: float =0.1,
atol: float=1e-6,
rtol: float = 1e-12,
mxstep: int = 5000000
This function takes model data created by :func:`~sbmltoodejax.parse.ParseSBMLFile` and generates a python file containing
variables and modules that implement the SBML model.
This function is adapted from ``sbmltoodepy.modulegeneration.GenerateModel`` function, however the generated python file is
written in JAX and follows different conventions for the generated variables and modules, as detailed in :ref:`structure-of-the-generated-python-file`
modelData (sbmltoodepy.dataclasses.ModelData): An object containing all the model components and values.
outputFilePath (str): The desired file path of the resulting python file.
RateofSpeciesChangeName (str, optional): The name of the RateofSpeciesChange module defined in the resulting python file. Default to 'RateofSpeciesChange'.
AssignmentRuleName (str): The name of the AssignmentRule module defined in the resulting python file. Default to 'AssignmentRule'.
ModelStepName (str): The name of the ModelStep module defined in the resulting python file. Default to 'ModelStep'.
ModelRolloutName (str): The name of the ModelRollout module defined in the resulting python file. Default to'ModelRollout'.
deltaT (float): Time step size (in seconds). Default to 0.1.
atol (float): Absolute local error tolerance for ``jax.experimental.odeint`` solver. Default to 1e-6.
rtol (float): Relative local error tolerance for ``jax.experimental.odeint`` solver. Default to 1e-12.
mxstep (int): Maximum number of steps to take for each timepoint for ``jax.experimental.odeint`` solver. Default to 5000000.
outputFile = open(outputFilePath, "w")
parameters = modelData.parameters
compartments = modelData.compartments
for k, v in compartments.items():
if not v.isConstant:
raise NotImplementedError("Varying compartment size is not handled")
species = modelData.species
reactions = modelData.reactions
functions = modelData.functions
assignmentRules = modelData.assignmentRules
rateRules = modelData.rateRules
initialAssignments = modelData.initialAssignments
mathFuncs = {'abs': 'jnp.abs',
'max': 'jnp.max',
'min': 'jnp.min',
'pow': 'jnp.power',
'exp': 'jnp.exp',
'floor': 'jnp.floor',
'ceiling': 'jnp.ceil',
'ln': 'jnp.log',
'log': 'jnp.log10',
'factorial': 'jaxfuncs.factorial',
'sqrt': 'no.sqrt',
'eq': 'jnp.equal',
'neq': 'jnp.not_equal',
'gt': 'jnp.greater',
'lt': 'jnp.less',
'geq': 'jnp.greater_equal',
'leq': 'jnp.less_equal',
'and': 'and',
'or': 'or',
'xor': 'jnp.logical_xor',
'not': 'not',
'sin': 'jnp.sin',
'cos': 'jnp.cos',
'tan': 'jnp.tan',
'sec': 'jaxfuncs.sec',
'csc': '',
'cot': 'jaxfuncs.cot',
'sinh': 'jnp.sinh',
'cosh': 'jnp.cosh',
'tanh': 'jnp.tanh',
'sech': 'jaxfuncs.sech',
'csch': 'jaxfuncs.csch',
'coth': 'jaxfuncs.coth',
'arcsin': 'jnp.arcsin',
'arccos': 'jnp.arccos',
'arctan': 'jnp.arctan',
'arcsinh': 'jnp.arcsinh',
'arccosh': 'jnp.arccosh',
'arctanh': 'jnp.arctanh',
'true': 'True',
'false': 'False',
'notanumber': 'jnp.nan',
'pi': 'jnp.pi',
'infinity': 'jnp.inf',
'exponentiale': 'jnp.e',
'piecewise': 'jaxfuncs.piecewise'
# TODO: Add in user defined functions
# ================================================================================================================================
outputFile.write("import equinox as eqx\n")
outputFile.write("from functools import partial\n")
outputFile.write("from jax import jit, lax, vmap\n")
outputFile.write("from jax.experimental.ode import odeint\n")
outputFile.write("import jax.numpy as jnp\n\n")
outputFile.write("from sbmltoodejax import jaxfuncs\n\n")
# ================================================================================================================================
t0 = 0.0
y0 = []
y_indexes = {}
for reaction_name, reaction in reactions.items():
reactants = [reactant for (reactantCoeff, reactant) in reaction.reactants]
for reactant in reactants:
if reactant not in y_indexes:
if reactant in species:
if species[reactant].valueType == "Amount":
y_amount = species[reactant].value
elif species[reactant].valueType == "Concentration":
y_amount = species[reactant].value * compartments[species[reactant].compartment].size
raise ValueError("Specie value is not of type amount nor concentration")
raise NotImplementedError("Reactant is not a specie")
if not species[reactant].isConstant or vary_constant_reactants:
y_indexes[reactant] = len(y0) - 1
for rule_name, rule in rateRules.items():
if rule.variable not in y_indexes:
if rule.variable in species:
if species[rule.variable].valueType == "Amount":
y_amount = species[rule.variable].value
elif species[rule.variable].valueType == "Concentration":
y_amount = species[rule.variable].value * compartments[species[rule.variable].compartment].size
raise ValueError("Specie value is not of type amount nor concentration")
elif rule.variable in parameters:
y_amount = parameters[rule.variable].value
elif rule.variable in compartments:
raise NotImplementedError("Varying compartment size is not handled")
y_indexes[rule.variable] = len(y0) - 1
w0 = []
w_indexes = {}
for k, v in assignmentRules.items():
if v.variable in species:
if species[v.variable].valueType == "Amount":
w_amount = species[v.variable].value
elif species[v.variable].valueType == "Concentration":
w_amount = species[v.variable].value * compartments[species[v.variable].compartment].size
raise ValueError("Specie value is not of type amount nor concentration")
elif v.variable in parameters:
w_amount = parameters[v.variable].value
elif v.variable in compartments:
w_amount = compartments[v.variable].size
w_indexes[v.variable] = len(w0) - 1
# Add all parameters that are not in w_indexes or y_indexes
c = []
c_indexes = {}
for k, v in species.items():
if (k not in y_indexes) and (k not in w_indexes):
if v.valueType == "Amount":
c_amount = v.value
elif v.valueType == "Concentration":
c_amount = v.value * compartments[v.compartment].size
raise ValueError("Specie value is not of type amount nor concentration")
c_indexes[k] = len(c) - 1
for k, v in parameters.items():
if (k not in y_indexes) and (k not in w_indexes):
c_indexes[k] = len(c) - 1
for k, v in compartments.items():
if (k not in y_indexes) and (k not in w_indexes):
c_indexes[k] = len(c) - 1
# Add constant parameters that are defined in reactions or that for some reason are not written as "constant" in their definition
for reaction_name, reaction in reactions.items():
for param in reaction.rxnParameters:
param_name = reaction_name + "_" + param[0]
assert (param_name not in y_indexes) and (param_name not in w_indexes)
if (param_name not in c_indexes):
c_indexes[param_name] = len(c) - 1
# ================================================================================================================================
def ParseLHS(rawLHS):
assert rawLHS in w_indexes
returnLHS = f"w =[{w_indexes[rawLHS]}].set("
if rawLHS in species:
if not species[rawLHS].hasOnlySubstanceUnits:
returnLHS += f"{compartments[species[rawLHS].compartment].size} * "
returnLHS += "("
return returnLHS
def ParseRHS(rawRateLaw, extended_param_names=[], reaction_name=None, yvar="y", wvar="w", cvar="c", tvar="t"):
# The main purpose of this function is to turn math strings given by libSBML into code formated to properly call self.c, self.w and y
rawRateLaw = rawRateLaw.replace("^", "**").replace("&&", "&").replace("||", "|") # Replace not understood operators
variables = []
for match in re.finditer(r'\b[a-zA-Z_]\w*', rawRateLaw): # look for variable names
# ToDo: check for function calls
variables.append([rawRateLaw[match.start():match.end()], match.span()])
returnRHS = ''
oldSpan = None
if variables != []:
for variable in variables:
if oldSpan == None and variable[1][0] != 0:
returnRHS += rawRateLaw[0:variable[1][0]]
elif oldSpan != None:
returnRHS += rawRateLaw[oldSpan[1]:variable[1][0]]
oldSpan = variable[1]
if variable[0] in extended_param_names and reaction_name is not None:
variable[0] = reaction_name + "_" + variable[0]
if variable[0] in species and not species[variable[0]].hasOnlySubstanceUnits:
returnRHS += '('
if variable[0] in c_indexes:
returnRHS += f'{cvar}[{c_indexes[variable[0]]}]'
elif variable[0] in w_indexes:
returnRHS += f'{wvar}[{w_indexes[variable[0]]}]'
elif variable[0] in y_indexes:
returnRHS += f'{yvar}[{y_indexes[variable[0]]}]'
elif variable[0] in mathFuncs:
returnRHS += mathFuncs[variable[0]]
elif variable[0] in functions:
raise NotImplementedError("Custom functions are not handled")
elif variable[0] == "time":
returnRHS += f'{tvar}'
elif variable[0] == "pi":
returnRHS += "jnp.pi"
raise (Exception('New case: unkown Reaction variable: ' + variable[0]))
if variable[0] in species and not species[variable[0]].hasOnlySubstanceUnits:
returnRHS += f'/{compartments[species[variable[0]].compartment].size})'
returnRHS += rawRateLaw[variable[1][1]:len(rawRateLaw)]
returnRHS = rawRateLaw
return returnRHS
# ================================================================================================================================
ruleDefinedVars = [rule.variable for rule in assignmentRules.values()]
for key, assignment in initialAssignments.items():
for key, rule in assignmentRules.items():
rule.dependents = []
for match in re.finditer(r'\b[a-zA-Z_]\w*', rule.math): # look for variable names
originalLen = len(rule.dependents)
for i in range(originalLen):
if rule.dependents[originalLen - i - 1] not in ruleDefinedVars:
rule.dependents.pop(originalLen - i - 1)
for key, assignment in initialAssignments.items():
assignment.dependents = []
for match in re.finditer(r'\b[a-zA-Z_]\w*', assignment.math): # look for variable names
originalLen = len(assignment.dependents)
for i in range(originalLen):
if assignment.dependents[originalLen - i - 1] not in ruleDefinedVars:
assignment.dependents.pop(originalLen - i - 1)
while True:
continueVar = False
breakVar = True
varDefinedThisLoop = None
for key, rule in assignmentRules.items():
if rule.dependents == []:
var_amount = eval(ParseRHS(rule.math, yvar="y0", wvar="w0", cvar="c", tvar="t0"))
if rule.variable in species and not species[rule.variable].hasOnlySubstanceUnits:
var_amount *= compartments[species[rule.variable].compartment].size
if isinstance(var_amount, jnp.ndarray):
var_amount = var_amount.item()
if rule.variable in y_indexes:
y0[y_indexes[rule.variable]] = var_amount
elif rule.variable in w_indexes:
w0[w_indexes[rule.variable]] = var_amount
raise ValueError("Rule variable is not in y nor w")
varDefinedThisLoop = rule.variable
rule.dependents = None
continueVar = True
breakVar = False
elif not rule.dependents == None:
breakVar = False
if not continueVar:
for key, assignment in initialAssignments.items():
if assignment.dependents == []:
var_amount = eval(ParseRHS(assignment.math, yvar="y0", wvar="w0", cvar="c"))
if assignment.variable in species and not (
var_amount *= compartments[species[assignment.variable].compartment].size
if isinstance(var_amount, jnp.ndarray):
var_amount = var_amount.item()
if assignment.variable in y_indexes:
y0[y_indexes[assignment.variable]] = var_amount
elif assignment.variable in w_indexes:
w0[w_indexes[assignment.variable]] = var_amount
elif assignment.variable in c_indexes:
c[c_indexes[assignment.variable]] = var_amount
raise ValueError("Assignment variable is not in y, w nor c")
varDefinedThisLoop = assignment.variable
assignment.dependents = None
continueVar = True
breakVar = False
elif not assignment.dependents == None:
breakVar = False
for rule in assignmentRules.values():
if not rule.dependents == None:
originalLen = len(rule.dependents)
for i in range(originalLen):
if rule.dependents[originalLen - i - 1] == varDefinedThisLoop:
rule.dependents.pop(originalLen - i - 1)
for assignment in initialAssignments.values():
if not assignment.dependents == None:
originalLen = len(assignment.dependents)
for i in range(originalLen):
if assignment.dependents[originalLen - i - 1] == varDefinedThisLoop:
assignment.dependents.pop(originalLen - i - 1)
if continueVar:
elif breakVar:
raise Exception('Algebraic Loop in AssignmentRules')
# ================================================================================================================================
outputFile.write(f"t0 = {t0}\n\n")
outputFile.write(f"y0 = jnp.array({y0})\n")
outputFile.write(f"y_indexes = {y_indexes}\n\n")
outputFile.write(f"w0 = jnp.array({w0})\n")
outputFile.write(f"w_indexes = {w_indexes}\n\n")
outputFile.write(f"c = jnp.array({c}) \n")
outputFile.write(f"c_indexes = {c_indexes}\n\n")
# ================================================================================================================================
# Set up stoichCoeffMat, a matrix of stoichiometric coefficients for solving the reactions
reactionCounter = 0
reactionIndex = {}
stoichCoeffMat = jnp.zeros([len(y_indexes), max(len(reactions), 1)])
for rxnId in reactions:
reactionIndex[rxnId] = reactionCounter
reactionCounter += 1
reaction = reactions[rxnId]
for reactant in reaction.reactants:
if (reactant[1] in y_indexes):
if (not species[reactant[1]].isBoundarySpecies) or vary_boundary_reactants:
stoichCoeffMat =[y_indexes[reactant[1]], reactionIndex[rxnId]].add(reactant[0])
rateArray = ['0.0'] * len(y_indexes)
for rule_name, rule in rateRules.items():
rateArray[y_indexes[rule.variable]] = 'self.Rate' + rule.variable + '(y, w, c, t)'
# Write
outputFile.write("class " + RateofSpeciesChangeName + "(eqx.Module):\n")
outputFile.write(f"\tstoichiometricMatrix = jnp.array({str(stoichCoeffMat.tolist())}, dtype=jnp.float32) \n\n")
outputFile.write("\tdef __call__(self, y, t, w, c):\n")
outputFile.write('\t\trateRuleVector = jnp.array([' + ', '.join(var for var in rateArray) + '], dtype=jnp.float32)\n\n')
outputFile.write('\t\treactionVelocities = self.calc_reaction_velocities(y, w, c, t)\n\n')
outputFile.write('\t\trateOfSpeciesChange = self.stoichiometricMatrix @ reactionVelocities + rateRuleVector\n\n')
outputFile.write('\t\treturn rateOfSpeciesChange\n\n')
outputFile.write(f'\n\tdef calc_reaction_velocities(self, y, w, c, t):\n')
reactionElements = ''
outputFile.write('\t\treactionVelocities = jnp.array([')
if reactions:
for reactionId in reactions:
if reactionElements == '':
reactionElements += ('self.' + str(reactionId) + '(y, w, c, t)')
reactionElements += (', self.' + str(reactionId) + '(y, w, c, t)')
reactionElements = '0'
outputFile.write(reactionElements + '], dtype=jnp.float32)\n\n')
outputFile.write('\t\treturn reactionVelocities\n\n')
for reaction_name in reactions.keys():
outputFile.write(f'\n\tdef {reaction_name}(self, y, w, c, t):\n')
rxnParamNames = [param[0] for param in reactions[reaction_name].rxnParameters]
rateLaw = ParseRHS(reactions[reaction_name].rateLaw, extended_param_names=rxnParamNames, reaction_name=reaction_name, yvar="y", wvar="w", cvar="c")
outputFile.write('\t\treturn ' + rateLaw + '\n\n')
for key, rateRule in rateRules.items():
outputFile.write("\tdef Rate" + rateRule.variable + "(self, y, w, c, t):\n")
rateLaw = ParseRHS(rateRule.math, yvar="y", wvar="w", cvar="c")
outputFile.write('\t\treturn ' + rateLaw + '\n\n')
# ================================================================================================================================
outputFile.write("class " + AssignmentRuleName + "(eqx.Module):\n")
outputFile.write("\tdef __call__(self, y, w, c, t):\n")
ruleDefinedVars = [rule.variable for rule in assignmentRules.values()]
for key, rule in assignmentRules.items():
rule.dependents = []
for match in re.finditer(r'\b[a-zA-Z_]\w*', rule.math): # look for variable names
originalLen = len(rule.dependents)
for i in range(originalLen):
if rule.dependents[originalLen - i - 1] not in ruleDefinedVars:
rule.dependents.pop(originalLen - i - 1)
while True:
continueVar = False
breakVar = True
varDefinedThisLoop = None
for key, rule in assignmentRules.items():
if rule.dependents == []:
ruleLHS = ParseLHS(rule.variable)
ruleRHS = ParseRHS(rule.math, yvar="y", wvar="w", cvar="c")
outputFile.write("\t\t" + ruleLHS + ruleRHS + '))\n\n')
varDefinedThisLoop = rule.variable
rule.dependents = None
continueVar = True
breakVar = False
elif not rule.dependents == None:
breakVar = False
for rule in assignmentRules.values():
if not rule.dependents == None:
originalLen = len(rule.dependents)
for i in range(originalLen):
if rule.dependents[originalLen - i - 1] == varDefinedThisLoop:
rule.dependents.pop(originalLen - i - 1)
if continueVar:
elif breakVar:
raise Exception('Algebraic Loop in AssignmentRules')
outputFile.write("\t\treturn w\n\n")
# ================================================================================================================================
outputFile.write("class " + ModelStepName + "(eqx.Module):\n")
outputFile.write("\ty_indexes: dict = eqx.static_field()\n")
outputFile.write("\tw_indexes: dict = eqx.static_field()\n")
outputFile.write("\tc_indexes: dict = eqx.static_field()\n")
outputFile.write(f"\tratefunc: {RateofSpeciesChangeName}\n")
outputFile.write("\tatol: float = eqx.static_field()\n")
outputFile.write("\trtol: float = eqx.static_field()\n")
outputFile.write("\tmxstep: int = eqx.static_field()\n")
outputFile.write(f"\tassignmentfunc: {AssignmentRuleName}\n\n")
outputFile.write(f"\tdef __init__(self, "
f"y_indexes={y_indexes}, "
f"w_indexes={w_indexes}, "
f"c_indexes={c_indexes}, "
f"atol={atol}, rtol={rtol}, mxstep={mxstep}):\n\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tself.y_indexes = y_indexes\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tself.w_indexes = w_indexes\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tself.c_indexes = c_indexes\n\n")
outputFile.write(f"\t\tself.ratefunc = {RateofSpeciesChangeName}()\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tself.rtol = rtol\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tself.atol = atol\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tself.mxstep = mxstep\n")
outputFile.write(f"\t\tself.assignmentfunc = {AssignmentRuleName}()\n\n")
outputFile.write("\tdef __call__(self, y, w, c, t, deltaT):\n")
outputFile.write("\t\ty_new = odeint(self.ratefunc, y, jnp.array([t, t + deltaT]), w, c, atol=self.atol, rtol=self.rtol, mxstep=self.mxstep)[-1]\t\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tt_new = t + deltaT\t\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tw_new = self.assignmentfunc(y_new, w, c, t_new)\t\n")
outputFile.write("\t\treturn y_new, w_new, c, t_new\t\n\n")
# ================================================================================================================================
outputFile.write("class " + ModelRolloutName + "(eqx.Module):\n")
outputFile.write("\tdeltaT: float = eqx.static_field()\n")
outputFile.write(f"\tmodelstepfunc: {ModelStepName}\n\n")
outputFile.write(f"\tdef __init__(self, deltaT={deltaT}, atol={atol}, rtol={rtol}, mxstep={mxstep}):\n\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tself.deltaT = deltaT\n")
outputFile.write(f"\t\tself.modelstepfunc = {ModelStepName}(atol=atol, rtol=rtol, mxstep=mxstep)\n\n")
outputFile.write("\t@partial(jit, static_argnames=(\"n_steps\",))\n")
outputFile.write("\tdef __call__(self, n_steps, "
f"y0=jnp.array({y0}), "
f"w0=jnp.array({w0}), "
f"c=jnp.array({c}), "
outputFile.write("\t\tdef f(carry, x):\n")
outputFile.write("\t\t\ty, w, c, t = carry\n")
outputFile.write("\t\t\treturn self.modelstepfunc(y, w, c, t, self.deltaT), (y, w, t)\n")
outputFile.write("\t\t(y, w, c, t), (ys, ws, ts) = lax.scan(f, (y0, w0, c, t0), jnp.arange(n_steps))\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tys = jnp.moveaxis(ys, 0, -1)\n")
outputFile.write("\t\tws = jnp.moveaxis(ws, 0, -1)\n")
outputFile.write("\t\treturn ys, ws, ts\n\n")
# ================================================================================================================================